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Did Slughorn know that Voldemort was Tom Riddle?

Did Slughorn know that Voldemort was Tom Riddle?

When Slughorn realised that this frightening wizard was, indeed, Tom Riddle, he was horrified, and on the night that Voldemort returned to Hogwarts, seeking a teaching post, Slughorn hid in his office, frightened that the visitor would come and claim acquaintance.

What did Tom Riddle give Slughorn?

The evening Tom Riddle asked Professor Horrace Slughorn about the aspects of Horcruxes, he had offered him a gift of his favorite confection, candied pineapple, before he questioned him.

Why was Slughorn ashamed of his memory?

Because he was ashamed of having information about Horcruxes and also because he thought he gave Tom Riddle the power to extend his life by creating them. He blamed himself and tried to forget what happened by altering the memory to show himself in a better light.

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Why did Tom Riddle go to Slughorn about Horcruxes?

It was stated in the seventh book that he went to Slughorn to find out what would happen if he split his soul into seven pieces. Hermione’s theory is that he already found out how to make a Horcrux from a book that Dumbledore later banned.

Did Slughorn help Voldemort?

Slughorn’s impressive magical abilities allowed him to survive the Battle of Hogwarts and even stand up against Voldemort himself with aid and survive the duel.

Was Horace Slughorn a Death Eater?

But Slughorn complicated the moral guidelines of the Harry Potter universe. As Rowling writes, Slughorn’s genuine remorse for the damage he had done in telling Riddle what he wanted to know is conclusive proof that he is not, and never was, Death Eater material.

Was Horace Slughorn a good guy?

Slughorn’s personality, in many ways, contradicted the “evil Slytherin” stereotype held by many students of the other Houses, Gryffindors in particular. He was a good person, and did not seem to hold any real prejudice against Muggle-born witches and wizards.

Why is Slughorn hated?

Slughorn had taught potions for many years until realizing that one of his former students, Tom Riddle, was actually Voldemort. It turns out that Slughorn is the one who accidentally told Voldemort how a person becomes immortal. Slughorn had selfishly been hiding all those years to escape his own guilt.

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Who was Slughorn hiding from?

Death Eaters
Rowling describes Slughorn as “remarkably unabashed for a man who had just been discovered pretending to be an armchair” (p. 64). Slughorn is not at all concerned that he was caught or even found. Now we are led to believe that he is hiding from Death Eaters.

Why did Death Eaters want Slughorn?

The biggest reason though would be he could keep a close eye on him. Slughorn knew him as a child and could possibly help someone figure out that he had created at least one if not more horcruxes. I’m sure that if Voldemort had caught up to him the ultimatum would have been join me or die.

What did Dumbledore warn Slughorn about Tom Riddle?

Dumbledore tried to warn Slughorn that Tom was using him, but Slughorn believed he had judged Tom right and that Dumbledore was being unfair. During the school year of 1943, he hosted a supper in his office with a group consisting mostly of Slytherin boys, including Tom.

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How would you describe Tom Riddle’s potential?

Tom Riddle is the most gifted student Hogwarts has had since Dumbledore, his potential was limitless. Slughorn even expected Tom to become Minister of Magic one day. ‘– I confidently expect you to rise to Minister for Magic within twenty years. Fifteen, if you keep sending me pineapple.

What did Slughorn tell Tom Riddle about Horcruxes?

— Slughorn telling Tom Riddle about Horcruxes [src] By the 1940s, Slughorn had met Tom Marvolo Riddle, who went on to become a favourite of his. Tom was very intelligent and seemingly promising, but he knew how to manipulate Slughorn by flattering him.

Does Slughorn ever reveal his true memory?

Slughorn eventually divulged his true memory. He continued to teach during the 1997–1998 school year under Voldemort’s regime, and was surprised to learn that Voldemort meant to recruit him only to teach the young wizards that Voldemort would deem suitable to attend Hogwarts.