Does granitic lava have high viscosity?

Does granitic lava have high viscosity?

Lower Temperature magmas have higher viscosity than higher temperature magmas. Rhyolitic or granitic magmas usually have higher gas contents than basaltic or gabbroic magmas.

What is the difference between basaltic and andesitic lava?

Both lavas are formed at different plate boundaries which is why they have different silica contents: the basaltic lava forms from the hot mantle material at constructive plate boundaries and hotspots whereas the andesitic lava forms at destructive plate boundaries from melting crust.

What is granitic lava?

Granitic lava, also known as rhyolitic lava, is lava that contains 20 percent more silica, also called quartz, than basaltic lava (the most common…

Is basaltic lava more viscous than granitic?

(b) Andesitic/intermediate magma = 60\% silica, (c) basaltic magma = 50\% silica. i) In general > silica content, > viscosity of magma, believed to result from tendency of complex silica anions to form long chains of molecules before crystallization begins. Thus granitic magmas are more viscous than basaltic magmas.

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What are the characteristics of granitic lava?

These granitic magmas rise slowly because of their high sio2 content and high viscosities until they reach the level in the crust where the temperature and pressure conditions are consistent with freezing or solidification of magma with this composition.

What type of volcano has granitic magma?

Magmas that are more granitic tend to be very explosive because of their relatively higher water content. Water at high temperatures and pressures is extremely volatile. Examples of composite volcanoes include Italy’s Vesuvius, Japan’s Mount Fuji, and Washington State’s Mount Rainier and Mount St.

Is basaltic lava thicker than andesitic lava?

Is basaltic lava thicker than andesitic lava? Basaltic melts have overall lower gas contents and are more fluid than their andesitic-to-rhyolitic counterparts. Their higher fluidity (lower viscosity) is a product of their lower SiO2 (silica) contents. …

How does magma differ from lava?

Scientists use the term magma for molten rock that is underground and lava for molten rock that breaks through the Earth’s surface.

What produces granitic magma?

Granitic, or rhyolitic, magmas and andesitic magmas are generated at convergent plate boundaries where the oceanic lithosphere (the outer layer of Earth composed of the crust and upper mantle) is subducted so that its edge is positioned below the edge of the continental plate or…

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Is basaltic or granitic magma hotter?

Basalt melts at about 984° to 1260° and granite at about 1215° to 1260°. Because of the mineralizers in the magma, the temperature interval over which it crystallizes will be lower than that over which the rock can be melted in an open crucible in the laboratory.

Is basaltic magma fluid or viscous?

Viscosity of Magmas Thus, basaltic magmas tend to be fairly fluid (low viscosity), but their viscosity is still 10,000 to 100,0000 times more viscous than water. Rhyolitic magmas tend to have even higher viscosity, ranging between 1 million and 100 million times more viscous than water.

What happens to most basaltic magma and granitic magma after they form?

Higher silica makes the magma viscous (stiff). So granitic magma solidifies in the crust easily, while basaltic magma can reach the surface. Water escapes from granitic magma when pressure decreases as it rises. Its solidification temperature rises, causing it to crystallize within the crust.

What is the difference between granite and basalt lava?

Granitic lava does not exist, for one. Granite is intrusive (forms below ground) while basalt is extrusive (forms above ground). The extrusive equivalent of granite is rhyolite. The mineral content of both types is dominated by feldspar with rhyolite containing potassium feldspar and basalt containing sodium and/or calcium feldspar.

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What is the difference between basaltic magma and granitic magma?

Basaltic magma contains between 45 and 55 percent silicon dioxide and is high in magnesium, iron and calcium, while granitic magma contains between 65 and 75 percent silicon dioxide and only small amounts of those minerals.

What is the difference between magma and lava?

Magma and lava are both molten (liquid) rock, but magma is moltenrock produced underneath earth surface while it( Magma) erupts on the surface of earth it is called Lava. Grantic magma is rich in silica with abundant sodium and potassium. It has an extremely high viscosity and cools to form light-colored rocks.

Why do andesitic and basaltic lava have different silica content?

Both lavas are formed at different plate boundaries which is why they have different silica contents: the basaltic lava forms from the hot mantle material at constructive plate boundaries and hotspots whereas the andesitic lava forms at destructive plate boundaries from melting crust. Answered by Anna D.