What are the advantages of using word processor?

What are the advantages of using word processor?

Advantages of using a word processor over a manual type writer

  • A document can be stored in a computer for future reference.
  • Have special editing tools eg spelling and grammar checkers.
  • One can easily insert or replace a word or phrase without affecting the neatness of a document.

What is the difference between a word processor and a typewriter?

A typewriter is simply a machine, mechanical or electric, upon which people compose text. A word processor is either a machine or an application upon which people compose and edit text.

What advantage does word processing using computers have on mechanical word processing like a typewriter?

Word processing software lets you cut, paste, and move words, sentences, and paragraphs around effortlessly; without the actual physical cutting and pasting that is involved with typewritten manuscripts on paper.

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What are the advantages of word processor over typewriter Class 9?

Word processing is faster and easier than writing by hand and you can store documents on your computer, which you cannot usually do on a typewriter. This makes it easier to review and rewrite your documents.

What is word processor write any five important features of a word processor?

Creating, editing, saving and printing documents. Copying, pasting, moving and deleting text within a document. Formatting text, such as font type, bolding, underlining or italicizing. Creating and editing tables.

What are the advantages of typewriter over computer?

Originally Answered: What are the advantages of a typewriter over a computer? A manual typewriter does not need power to work….

  • No boot time. A mechanical typewriter is ready at all times.
  • Cheap. You can get a working typewriter for $20.
  • Easy to fill out forms.
  • Easy to create envelopes.

What are the limitations of using a typewriter over a word processor?

One of the biggest disadvantages to a manual typewriter is its lack of any kind of memory. Because users can’t store what they write, they must retype a document every time they make a revision or need another copy.

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What are the advantages of a word processor over typewriter Class 9?

Following are the advantages of a word processor over typewriter:

  • Efficiency.
  • Documents can easily be sent electronically.
  • It is easier to make changes to your documents.
  • Spell checking/Grammer checking.
  • Insert images and art in documents.
  • It is faster and easier than writing by hand.

What are the limitations to using a typewriter over word processor?


  • Difficulty revising.
  • Physical form.
  • Lack of memoty.

What are the limitations of a typewriter over word processor?

What are the advantages of computer over typewriter?

If your writing needs extra formatting, then a computer wins over a typewriter. Simple italics, bolds, underlines and bullet points can be added to any document. Additionally, computers can add graphs and images to writing when using a simple word processor.

What is the advantage of using typewriter?

rapid hardcopy, no external power needed, etc. — cannot offset a word processor’s ease of use, especially in enabling editing and corrections; and the preserving of early drafts. The few real advantages of a typewriter — rapid hardcopy, no external power needed, etc.