Is blocking your ex a good way to move on?

Is blocking your ex a good way to move on?

If keeping your ex on your social media disturbs your inner peace, block them. If you don’t want to do it only because you are worried about how your ex will perceive and interpret it, do it and block them anyway. As long as it make you feel better, then what your ex or people think doesn’t really matter.

Will my ex come back if I move on?

It might seem that way, as exes are more likely to come back once you’ve moved on. It’s only when you’ve moved on that you stop thinking about your ex coming back. So, the moment they do reappear, it tends to be highly unexpected.

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Is it possible to get rid of an ex who won’t let go?

In a way, he does inspire pity, but not the kind he wants. Struggling to get rid of an ex who won’t let go is probably more common than people realize. Hell, there may or may not have been a time or two in life when we were the ex who couldn’t let go.

What do exes think when they end a relationship?

Most exes when they end a relationship think they are moving on and will tell you to move on too. That’s normal and expected. At the time, they don’t believe the two of you can get back together and moving on is the right course of action.

Is it normal for an ex to leave the door open?

That’s normal and expected. At the time, they don’t believe the two of you can get back together and moving on is the right course of action. In cases where your ex is still leaving the door open, or not yet decided on whether they want you back or not, talk about moving on stops after a few weeks or months.

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How to get your ex to leave you alone?

1. Be blunt. Tell your ex explicitly to leave you alone. 2. Block, delete, unfriend, and remove your ex from your life. 3. Set clear boundaries with your ex. 4. Consistently reinforce your boundaries. 5. Ignore your ex and delete them. 6. Decide for yourself if your clingy ex is getting out of hand. 7. Remember your ex will move on…eventually.