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Do baby turtles need big tanks?

Do baby turtles need big tanks?

Aquatic Turtles For baby turtles, select nothing smaller than a 20- or 30-gallon tank to start. Longer tanks might be more appropriate than short, tall tanks, as they will provide more usable space for the turtle.

What do baby red eared sliders need in their tank?

Sliders are aquatic and need clean, chemical-free water to swim in. Fill the tank with water at least twice as deep as your baby’s shell. Even as hatchlings, red eared sliders are excellent swimmers, you don’t need to worry about them drowning. Though they love water, sliders also need land for basking and drying out.

Can a red eared slider live in a 10 gallon tank?

No, 10-gallons tank is not big enough for a turtle. Even if the turtle is small, the minimum recommended size for a juvenile red-eared slider is 30 gallons.

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How big of a tank do I need for 1 turtle?

55 to 100-gallons
Pet turtles normally need a tank size of 55 to 100-gallons depending on their species. A good rule of thumb is to buy a tank that has 10 gallons for every inch of your turtle’s shell length. Male map turtles reach no more than seven inches, while females can grow to ten inches. An 80-gallon tank is a good choice.

Can baby red eared sliders drown?

All turtles, including red eared sliders, spend a lot of time submerged underwater. Even though red eared sliders love swimming and submerging themselves, they can drown. Turtles need both oxygen from the air and water to live a happy and healthy life.

Do baby red eared sliders need a heat lamp?

You don’t need to purchase a special heat lamp for this purpose, as a regular lamp with an incandescent bulb of 75 watts or less will do the trick. Just make sure the turtle can’t touch the bulb or that the lamp can’t fall into the tank.

Can baby red-eared sliders drown?

Do red eared sliders bite?

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Red Eared Sliders bite, and the bite can be quite painful. But it’s highly unlikely because these reptiles don’t bite “just because.” Instead, these reptiles bite if you push them too hard. Thankfully, you can prevent this behavior.

How long do red eared sliders live?

30 yearsPond slider / Lifespan (In the wild)

Do turtles get attached to their owners?

Yes, turtles do get attached to their owners. They can sometimes express their emotions by showing playful behavior when they are around their owners.

Are LED lights OK for turtles?

Lamps that get hot (like incandescent, halogen, or mercury vapor lamps) should have a screen under them because they occasionally explode when they get splashed by water, and the glass can injure your turtle. Fluorescent lamps and LED lamps don’t need screens because they rarely, if ever explode or shatter.

How big of a tank does a red eared slider need?

Plan on a tank size of 10 gallons of water per inch of the turtle as a general rule of thumb, with a minimum size of a 20-gallon for hatchling red-eared sliders. Keeping in mind that red-eared sliders can read 10 to 12 inches as adults, you can see that you will need a very large tank eventually.

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How long does it take for a red eared slider to grow?

It doesn’t take to long for red-eared sliders to develop to their full-size of around 8-12 inches. If you are unsure about what size you’re red eared slider tank should be, you can use this turtle tank calculator to determine the right size for your red eared slider pet.

What is the water temperature for a red-eared slider turtle?

The water in a red-eared slider turtle tank should be kept at 75-78 F (23-26 C), and 78-80 F (26-27 C) for hatchlings.

Can you get a baby red eared slider as a pet?

Baby red eared sliders are one of the cutest reptiles, it is tempting to get one as a pet. But before you do, take time to consider the care and feeding needs of these tiny turtles. Hatchlings start life no bigger than the size of a quarter!
