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Does gravity work on air?

Does gravity work on air?

As gravity hugs the blanket of air to the Earth’s surface, what physicists call a density gradient is set up in the air. The air near the ground is pulled on by gravity and compressed by the air higher in the sky. As air expands the density decreases so it has a tendency to rise. As it rises it does not leave a void.

Why does gravity not work on gases?

gravity does attract gas molecules that is the reason we have an atmosphere. But when gas has to be compressed certain amount of work has to be done against the repulsive forces between the gas molecules. That is the reason why gravitational force cannot compress the atmospheric gas below a certain thickness.

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How does gravity work without any air?

In a vacuum, gravity causes all objects to fall at the same rate. The mass of the object does not matter. If a person drops a hammer and a feather, air will make the feather fall more slowly. But if there were no air, they would fall at the same acceleration.

What happens if the Earth had no gravity?

Without gravity, humans and other objects would become weightless. That’s because the planet would continue spinning, without exerting gravity to keep objects tied to it [source: Domanico]. A loss of gravity would also mean that the planet would stop pulling down air, water and Earth’s atmosphere.

Does gas obey gravity?

Note: Gas molecules are found in an area in which gravity is present. The force exerted among the gases by the collisions effectively revamps the force of gravity. Every real gas condenses to a liquid or a solid at any temperature higher than absolute zero. So gases do not obey gas laws at absolute zero.

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Why does gravity not pull air down?

The reason why the atmosphere is still thick after billions of years is because you have two net effects on the air molecules, gravity, which keeps it as close as possible to the ground, and inertia, who has the opposite net effect. So as long as the molecules do not slow down they “orbit” our planet.

What would happen if gravity did not affect air particles?

Yes if gravity did not have an effect on air particles then it would just float away into space. also the reason air floats in atmosphere is because air has no definite size or shape. Gas particles have very weak holds on them so most of it is just space, that is why air can be compressed.

Is there gravitational force if there is no air?

There is gravitational force even if there is no air. Gravity doesn’t depend on air,it depends on mass. Gravity is the force that attracts things towards Earth, not air. Air is just loosely packed atoms and molecules. Air is not a force but it can exert force as pressure on other matter.

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Why is gravity not so obvious in space?

The second reason that gravity is not so obvious in space is because objects tend to orbit planets instead of hitting them. Orbiting just means that an object falls towards a planet due to gravity and continually misses it. Because space is so large and planets are so small by comparison, it’s actually very hard to hit planets.

Why doesn’t gravity work on smoke?

Gravity does work on smoke. Only that, the surrounding air is denser than the smoke so it sinks down letting the smoke to rise up. This is similar to dipping a big heavy ball in a bucket almost filled by water. When the ball(heavier than water) goes down it raises the level of water and thus spilling it outside the bucket.