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How many pixels is above the fold mobile?

How many pixels is above the fold mobile?

×600 pixels
Above the fold is where users decide whether to stay on a website or not. However, the objective of above the fold has now changed from providing all the information through 800×600 pixels. It is now used to engage users and provide cues about what the web page has to offer.

What is the above the fold ATF size to be considered?

A Viewable Impression is a term that is still being defined, but is generally accepted to mean an ad which appears more than 50\% on-screen for at least one second. As many users will leave a page without interacting at all, ads which are Above The Fold are the only ones which are guaranteed to be Viewed Impressions.

What is above the fold size?

approximately 600 pixels
Today, the “fold” in “above the fold” no longer refers to the actual fold in a newspaper. Instead, when you see publications talking about the “fold” in online media, they are now referring to the bottom of a browser window, which is usually approximately 600 pixels from the top of the page.

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What is the above the fold space on a website?

Above the fold is the upper half of the front page of a newspaper or tabloid where an important news story or photograph is often located. Above the fold is sometimes used in web development to refer the portions of a webpage that are visible without further scrolling or clicking.

What is above the fold and below the fold?

‘Above the fold’ was anything on the top half and ‘below the fold’ was anything underneath. The content that was deemed less important was traditionally placed below the fold, since it was mostly invisible when displayed on a newsstand. In the 1990s as publishing moved onto the web, the term ‘below the fold’ remained.

What means above the fold?

Above the fold for a website refers to the content a viewer sees before they scroll down. It’s prime real estate that receives the most attention from your visitors because it’s the first thing they see, which is why it should immediately pull the reader in.

What is the technique called above the fold?

Above the fold, as it applies to Web design, is the portion of a Web page that is visible in a browser window when the page first loads. The paper’s headline and lead stories are placed on the portion of the front page that remains visible to the reader when the paper is folded horizontally for display on a newsstand.

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What does it mean for an ad to be above the fold?

“Above the fold”, or the top fold of the page, refer to the portion of the page a user can see without scrolling down.

What is above and below the fold?

A holdover from newspaper publishing, the term ‘below the fold’ was coined when there was an actual physical fold in the middle of the page. ‘Above the fold’ was anything on the top half and ‘below the fold’ was anything underneath. In the 1990s as publishing moved onto the web, the term ‘below the fold’ remained.

Does above the fold matter?

The simple answer is yes, but not for the same reasons it once was. When it comes to the design of your website, you do need to place extra attention above the fold, but only in the sense that the top of your page should clearly explain your value proposition and also entice users to continue scrolling.

Does above fold still matter?

What is above the fold content?

In the early days of publishing, ‘above the fold’ was a term used for content that appeared on the top half of the front page of a newspaper. Today, the fold no longer refers to an actual fold in a newspaper, but the bottom of a browser window or approximately 600 pixels from the top of the page.

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How much do users spend viewing information above the fold?

Usability expert Jakob Nielsen has also suggested that users spend up to 80\% of their time viewing information above the fold. The three traditional fold-lines at 570, 590 and 600 pixels, shown overlaid on the Webdesigntuts+ website (scaled down to fit the post).

How much difference do users make between above and below the fold?

The average difference in how users treat info above vs. below the fold is 84\%. Screen sizes are constantly shifting and designs can respond to these sizes, rather than fit to a constant size.

How important is the area above the fold in web design?

The importance of the area above the fold seems to be supported by the ‘five second rule’ that is commonly quoted within Web Design; which states users pass judgment on a site within the first five seconds of visiting. Usability expert Jakob Nielsen has also suggested that users spend up to 80\%…

What does ‘above the fold’ mean?

What Does Above the Fold Mean? In the early days of publishing, ‘above the fold’ was a term used for content that appeared on the top half of the front page of a newspaper.