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What is axial trace?

What is axial trace?

axial trace A line that marks the intersection of the axial surface of a fold with any other plane or surface. In practical terms it is the intersection of the axial surface with the surface of the Earth, or with a vertical profile through a fold sequence. A Dictionary of Earth Sciences.

What is fold trace?

The axial trace of a fold is the line that links, on the ground surface, points of maximum curvature on successive folded surfaces.

Is fold axis and hinge line same?

Hinge Line, Point and Zone The hinge line, is defined as the imaginary line that connects points (touches the surface of) maximum curvature of a fold. For cylindrical folds, the hinge line and fold axis are the same.

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What is axial plane of fold?

The axial plane of a fold is the plane or surface that divides the fold as symmetrically as possible. The axial plane may be vertical, horizontal, or inclined at any intermediate angle.

What is the axis of fold Mcq?

Explanation: Axis of fold is defined as a line drawn parallel to the hinge line of a fold. Explanation: The plunge is measured like a dip of a bedding plane, both in terms of the direction of plunge and degree of plunge. 12. An axial plane can be vertical, inclined or horizontal in nature.

Which fold is type of conjugate fold?

A set of paired, asymmetric folds whose axial planes dip towards one another. Limbs are commonly straight, and hinge zones short and angular. Conjugate folds are thought to be formed during the final stages of deformation.

What is the difference between axial trace and axial fold?

while Axial Trace is intersection of the Axial plane of the fold with the surface of observation and it can be found by connecting the hinge points of the fold on the surface.

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Do non cylindrical folds have fold axes?

Non-cylindrical folds (with curved hinge lines) do not have fold axes, and for the purpose of detailed structural analysis (for example, stereographic representation), it is necessary to subdivide them into several cylindrical folds, each with a relatively short, nearly straight hinge line.

What is the function of fold axis?

Answer Wiki. Fold Axis is an imaginary straight line parallel to hinge line of the fold and only found in the case of cylindrical fold. and also generates the fold by moving parallel to itself.

What are symmetric and asymmetric folds?

Symmetric folds – in a cross-section perpendicular to the axial surface the two side of the axial trace are mirror images (M-folds). Asymmetric folds – in a cross-section perpendicular to the axial surface the two sides of the axial trace are NOT mirror images (Z- or S- folds).