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Do you need parental consent for antidepressants?

Do you need parental consent for antidepressants?

In most states, teens under 18 require a parent’s permission to receive treatment for depression. There are some exceptions, but in most cases, a child cannot get treatment on their own.

What will happen to your body if you have depression?

You may also feel tired all the time or have trouble sleeping at night. Other symptoms include: irritability, anger, and loss of interest in things that used to bring pleasure, including sex. Depression can cause headaches, chronic body aches, and pain that may not respond to medication.

Can social services take your child if you have depression?

If the suicidal or severely distressed parent has no adult family members or friends around to help, it is possible that the children may be taken into temporary local authority care in order for the parent to receive the urgent help that s/he needs.

Can my ex take my child to a therapist without my consent?

Is my ex allowed to take my kid to a psychologist without my consent/knowledge? Yes, maybe. Whilst the consent and involvement of both parents is usually desirable, there is no legal or ethical imperative on the psychologist to contact the other parent before commencing a therapeutic relationship with the child.

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Should I talk to my doctor about my depdepression?

Depression is a very common condition and your doctor is already quite familiar with it. It will not seem strange or shameful in any way to your doctor that you are feeling depressed. In addition, you don’t need to worry about your friends, family, or employer finding out about your depression.

Should I talk to my doctor about alternative treatments for depression?

You should always talk to your doctor before you try any type of alternative treatment. In the case of some herbal supplements, for example, you and your doctor need to consider possible drug interactions if you are currently taking or plan on taking antidepressants. Self-care is an important part of coping with depression.

What happens if you don’t take care of your depression?

Plus, not taking care of depression not only leads to needless suffering, but it can have devastating consequences. Treatment options can be tailored to your situation, providing the best results.

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How do you know if you need depression treatment?

Ask to see a doctor or nurse who can screen you for depression. The doctor or nurse may also check to see if you have another health condition (like thyroid disease) that can cause depression or make it worse. If you have one of these health conditions, it’s important to get treatment right away. What about cost?