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Who are the 7 great houses?

Who are the 7 great houses?

Game Of Thrones: Great Houses Ranked From Poorest To Richest (& How Much They’re Worth)

  1. 1 House Lannister.
  2. 2 House Tyrell.
  3. 3 House Targaryen.
  4. 4 House Tully.
  5. 5 House Baratheon.
  6. 6 House Martell.
  7. 7 House Arryn.
  8. 8 House Stark.

What are the most important houses in Game of Thrones?

Ranking the 9 Major Game of Thrones Houses

  1. House Stark. “Winter is coming” may be a tagline for Game of Thrones, but it’s also the mantra for House Stark.
  2. House Targaryen. Dragons, folks.
  3. House Lannister.
  4. House Greyjoy.
  5. House Tyrell.
  6. House Baratheon.
  7. House Martell.
  8. House Arryn.

What is the best house in Game of Thrones?

Game Of Thrones: Every House Ranked Worst To Best

  1. 1 House Lannister. If there was a house to sum up the show, it would be the Lannisters.
  2. 2 House Stark.
  3. 3 House Tyrell.
  4. 4 House Targaryen.
  5. 5 House Mormont.
  6. 6 House Baratheon.
  7. 7 House Clegane.
  8. 8 House Reed.
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What is Westeros in Game of Thrones?

Westeros is a continent located in the far west of the known world. It is separated from the continent of Essos by a strip of water known as the Narrow Sea. Most of the action in Game of Thrones takes place in Westeros.

What is the best castle in Game of Thrones?

Here are the 18 greatest castles, keeps, manors, and fortresses of Westeros, ranked by how much you might be inclined to call them home.

  1. Castle Stokeworth. Location: The Castlelands.
  2. Bear Island. Location: The North.
  3. The Water Gardens. Location: Dorne.
  4. The Eyrie. Location: The Vale.
  5. Dragonstone.
  6. Highgarden.
  7. Riverrun.
  8. Pyke.

What is the most popular house in Westeros with vassals?

House Martell, obviously. The only house in Westeros to keep a royal style, and that probably invokes a certain level of respect among your vassals, when you have your own princes instead of just lords and the princes of the Iron Throne above — so houses are more likely to get behind the Martells when the banners are called.

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Which house is the strongest on Game of Thrones?

Game Of Thrones: Every House Officially Ranked From Weakest To Strongest. 1 20 House Reyne. House Reyne is never actually seen in the show, but it is mentioned a lot. The Lannister theme song is called “The Rains of 2 19 House Frey. 3 18 House Bolton. 4 17 House Tyrell. 5 16 House Tarly.

What happened to House Targaryen on ‘Game of Thrones’?

At the beginning of Game of Thrones, House Targaryen would have been placed at the bottom of this list. Cast out of Westeros and struggling for survival across the Narrow Sea, the last living member of House Targaryen was a nobody.

What is the best house to start a rebellion in Dorne?

Previously being High Kings of Dorne, they’re probably the go-to house if you’re fed up with House Martell and want to start a rebellion (they also still have the fancy title “The Bloodroyal”).