What happens when you multiply two negative numbers together?

What happens when you multiply two negative numbers together?

When you multiply two negative numbers or two positive numbers then the product is always positive.

What is the rule for multiplying two negative numbers?

A Negative Number Times a Negative Number When you are multiplying a negative number and a negative number, the product will be a positive number. Let’s do another example.

Why do we get a positive number when we multiply two negative numbers?

Each number has an “additive inverse” associated to it (a sort of “opposite” number), which when added to the original number gives zero. The fact that the product of two negatives is a positive is therefore related to the fact that the inverse of the inverse of a positive number is that positive number back again.

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When a multiplication expression has an even number of negative factors the product is?

If there are an even number (0, 2, 4.) of negative factors to multiply, the product is positive.

What happens when you multiply a negative number times a negative number?

Rule 3: A negative number times a negative number, equals a positive number. Two negatives make a positive, so a negative number times a negative number makes a positive number. If you look at it on the number line, walking backwards while facing in the negative direction, you move in the positive direction.

Why do two negatives make a positive subtraction?

If you subtract a negative number from that same number you are taking a negative amount from the negative number you started with which means you are making it more positive. Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding a positive one.

What happens when you multiply a negative number by a negative number?

Negative multiplied by Negative is a positive number, which means that product of two negative integers is always positive.

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What do 2 positives make?

When We Multiply:

× two positives make a positive: 3 × 2 = 6
× two negatives make a positive: (−3) × (−2) = 6
× a negative and a positive make a negative: (−3) × 2 = −6
× a positive and a negative make a negative: 3 × (−2) = −6

Why does a negative times a negative equal a positive?

Explanation: We know that negative times anything means that it will change the sign. Ideally, the second negative should change the sign of our original number (which is also negative). So, our original negative sign is changed into a positive sign when a negative is multiplied to it.

Can you multiply two negative numbers together to get positive numbers?

You get a positive number when you multiply two negative numbers – but it is perfectly possible to get odd numbers when you multiply two negative numbers; example [math]-3 * -7 = 21 [/math]; and 21 is odd not even.

What is the formula for adding negative numbers?

Negative – Negative = Negative + Positive = Use the sign of the larger number and subtract (Change double negatives to a positive) (-5) – (-3) = ( -5) + 3 = -2. (-3) – ( -5) = (-3) + 5 = 2. Multiplying Rules: Positive x Positive = Positive: 3 x 2 = 6. Negative x Negative = Positive: (-2) x (-8) = 16.

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What is the positive and negative sign of a number?

“+” is the positive sign, “−” is the negative sign. When a number has no sign it usually means that it is positive. And we can put () around the numbers to avoid confusion.

Why can the multiplicative inverse of 1 be negative?

The multiplicative inverse is whatever number is necessary to multiply to itself to have a product of 1. So: The simplest reason is that all numbers have a common factor of 1, and 1 = n n where n is a nonzero value. Since n can be any nonzero value, then it can also be negative or positive.