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How long did it take for intelligent life to develop on Earth?

How long did it take for intelligent life to develop on Earth?

1 million years
Planetary scientist Pascal Lee of the SETI Institute proposes that this fraction is very low (0.0002). He based this estimate on how long it took Earth to develop intelligent life (1 million years since Homo erectus evolved, compared to 4.6 billion years since Earth formed).

What do you think will be the temperature on Earth that can sustain life?

Other estimates, based on different interpretations of the evidence, have placed average temperatures as high as 85 degrees Celsius, under which only heat-loving microbes that now exist in hot springs could survive. The new results put the outer range of possible temperatures at 0 to 50 C (32 to 122 F).

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What conditions would be necessary for life as we know it to exist elsewhere?

Eight ingredients for life in space

  • Water. Almost all the processes that make up life on Earth can be broken down into chemical reactions – and most of those reactions require a liquid to break down substances so they can move and interact freely.
  • Carbon.
  • Nitrogen.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Sulphur.
  • Luck.
  • Time.
  • Location.

What is considered intelligent life?

Intelligent life may refer to: Extraterrestrial intelligence – Intelligent extraterrestrial life originating from outside Earth’s planetary boundaries, whether theoretical or having existence past or present or future yet not discovered by terrestrial intelligence as of 2021 CE within Earth-centric chronology.

Why is temperature needed for life?

Temperature has the single most important influence on the distribution of organisms because it determines the physical state of water. Most organisms cannot live in conditions in which the temperature remains below 0 °C or above 45 °C for any length of time.

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How does temperature affect the ability of a planet?

The surface temperature of a planet has profound impacts on its habitability. When a planet self-regulates, that temperature can stabilize, but if a world is constantly sweating off heat, the surface could wind up too hot for water.

What is necessary for life on the earth answer?

Ideal temperature of 17 degrees Celsius. Presence of Atmosphere. Presence of water. Presence of lithosphere and biosphere.

What is the reason why every living thing on earth has the chance of survival?

All living things need some sort of food, water, the right atmosphere and temperature. Humans for example, need to breathe in oxygen and can survive in temperatures that aren’t extreme hot or cold. Even the strength of gravity determines the form of our bodies such as our bones and muscle strength.

What defines an intelligent being?

intelligent, clever, and brilliant mean having a good amount of mental ability. intelligent is used of a person who can handle new situations and solve problems. We need an intelligent person to run the company. clever is used of a person who learns very quickly.

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What is the most intelligent living thing on Earth?

CHIMPANZEES. RECKONED to be the most-intelligent animals on the planet, chimps can manipulate the environment and their surroundings to help themselves and their community. They can work out how to use things as tools to get things done faster, and they have outsmarted people many a time.