
What are the 15 levels of Super Saiyan?

What are the 15 levels of Super Saiyan?

  • 10 SUPER SAIYAN 3.
  • 11 SUPER SAIYAN 2.
  • 15 SUPER SAIYAN. Let’s start with the most basic of them all, the Super Saiyan form.


SSB is between 10x and 50x SSG.

What is the max Super Saiyan form?

Ultimate Super Saiyan is the highest form of Super Saiyan. Its power is so unbelievable even when restrained could tear apart a whole planet. Goku is the only one to achieve this form.

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Is there a limit to a saiyans power?

So long as a Saiyan keeps training, fighting, breaking their limits, and retaining their body, they really have no established limits. When they transform, that Super Saiyan level multiplies their current base powers up massively.

What is Super Saiyan blue multiplier?

Super Saiyan Blue multiplies the users Base Power by x4,000,000,000.

Is Goku’s potential infinite?

Goku is technically infinitely 3-D by power scaling, but he is not infinitely powerful. Goku has to reach new levels of power, so he can’t be infinitely strong.

How fast can a Saiyan run?

According to Daizenshuu 7, which provides power levels up to the Frieza Arc, Super Saiyan Goku’s power level is 150 million. This means that by the time Goku fights Frieza, he can travel 334,821,428.6 mph — roughly half the speed of light, which is 670.6 million MPH.

Is SSJ4 stronger than SSJ God?

So, in conclusion: Super Saiyan 4 IS stronger than Super Saiyan God and even stronger than Vegetto, and there no doubt about it.

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How powerful are the different forms of the Super Saiyan?

The SuperSaiyan 1 form: Offers a x50 multiplier of base form power. The SuperSaiyan 2 form: Offers a x2 multiplier of the SSJ1 form, or x100 that of base form. The SuperSaiyan 3 form: Offers a x4 multiplier of SSJ2, or x400 that of base form. Then we had the Golden Oozaru form: We only know it was far more powerful than SSJ3.

What happens when a Super Saiyan turns into Oozaru?

When a Saiyan who has achieved the Super Saiyan transformation turns into Oozaru, they reach the Golden Great Ape form. The form resembles Oozaru in every way except that the fur is gold instead of brown. It is also obviously much stronger, surpassing even the power of a Super Saiyan 3.

Is Super Saiyan 3rd grade stronger than Super Saiyan 2?

According to a source, the Super Saiyan Third Grade form is weaker than Super Saiyan 2, which is two times stronger than Super Saiyan, while according to another source, Super Saiyan Third Grade is ten times stronger than the previous form, although the user is slowed down considerably. This form pushes the power of the Super Saiyan to its limits.

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What is Super Saiyan 4th grade?

Likewise, Super Saiyan Fourth Grade, also known as Super Saiyan Full Power (the fully mastered Super Saiyan form that Goku and Gohan achieve in the Room of Spirit and Time) is never ascribed it’s own official power boost.