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Does Google Translate do Ancient Greek?

Does Google Translate do Ancient Greek?

You see, Google Translate does not actually have an Ancient Greek setting, but it does have a setting for Modern Greek and you can enter text written in Ancient Greek into its Modern Greek setting and see what comes out.

Is Google Translate accurate for Greek?

Translating from Greek into English is more reliable because Google does not have to think, the choices are limited by inflexivity of English. When translating from English into Greek it is bound to hit hurdles of precision in expression that English cannot offer.

Can you translate Ancient Greek?

Any translation of an Ancient Greek text is to some extent false, or at least artificial, and it cannot express the special character of the reality of the original. Selected translations of passages from Homer, Herodotus and Aeschines illustrate the incompatibility of the ancient and modern styles of narration.

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Is Greek and ancient Greek the same?

“Ancient Greek” is a very general term for all the different forms of Greek that existed before Modern and Medieval Greek. The gap between these forms of Ancient Greek and today’s Modern Greek, officially called Demotic Greek, grows or becomes smaller depending on the era and dialect.

What language did the ancient Greek speak?

Ancient Greek was an Indo-European language spoken in Ancient Greece from about 1500 BC to about 300 BC. Ancient Greek and Latin are very important languages. Although they are no longer spoken, they influenced almost all modern European languages. Greek had many different dialects.

Can I learn Ancient Greek online?

Learn Ancient Greek with Oxford University Our 20-week Ancient Greek language courses are offered both in Oxford and online. They are designed to help you learn in a small, productive class environment and class sizes are limited, ensuring you get the attention you deserve.

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Are there any good online translators for English to Ancient Greek?

Answer Wiki. No. There are no good online translators for English to ancient Greek (or vice versa for that matter) that I am aware of. Ancient Greek is a language that combines nearly all the features that make it extremely difficult to create a computer-generated translator for using our current technologies.

What do classicists translate from English to Greek?

Generally speaking, classicists almost never translate anything from English into ancient Greek, but rather spend most of their time translating ancient texts from ancient Greek into English. Even students who are learning to read ancient Greek devote most of their time to translating from ancient Greek into English.

Why doesn’t Google Translate work for Greek?

Google translation does not work by rules and grammars. Machine translation gave up on that decades ago. Pity, because I spent well over a decade coding morphological rules for Greek, and it was a lot of fun. Machine translation works on statistics. To gather the statistics, you need a large amount of bilingual texts.

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Why is it so hard to translate ancient Greek?

Ancient Greek is a language that combines nearly all the features that make it extremely difficult to create a computer-generated translator for using our current technologies. One massive problem is that the language is no longer spoken and we know very little about what everyday ancient Greek speech was like.