
Are answers on Quora reliable?

Are answers on Quora reliable?

The answers on Quora, as on any website, are as credible as the people who are providing them. Some are more reliable than others, some are more based in fact than opinion, some are just downright ridiculous.

How do I get more answer views on Quora?

I’ll do my best.

  1. The easiest way to get a lot of views is to increase your follower count.
  2. Another way is to flood Quora with your content.
  3. You can answer questions that are popular.
  4. You can be pretty and post pictures of yourself.
  5. You can use humor.
  6. You can write shorter answers.
  7. Write short paragraphs.
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How to Add credentials in Quora?

How can I write my own credential on Quora? Go to your profile Credentials and Highlights, then click Edits. Then add a credential. You can click Edit Credential and add a new one before submitting the answer.

What are credentials on Quora?

Quora Credentials are basically extra tags that show up on your Quora Profile. They are helpful to other users when requesting you for answers because it lets them know if you are experienced in a certain field or topic.

How do I write a good bio on Quora?

An ideal quora profile should have the following things according to me:

  1. A short bio of the writer.
  2. Appropriate topic descriptions on which he/she likes to write answers.
  3. List of the answers which have been sent to the quora digest.
  4. A pie chart of various topics about which he/she writes on quora.

How do I write a query letter for Forbes magazine?

Most magazines, and I’m certain Forbes adheres to this practice as well, require the freelancer to submit a one-page query letter with a lead paragraph detailing how you plan to develop the article and another paragraph to give a related list of your publishing credits. You shouldn’t need more than three or four paragraphs at the most.

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What are the biggest costs of publishing a magazine?

Then there’s the printing of the magazine itself, and if you’re a regular print magazine with subscribers, the cost of postage is one major expense that few people think about. Competition, of course, is always going to be a challenge—whether you’re in publishing or any other business.

What is the hardest part of applying for Forbes magazine?

The only way a Forbes editor will consider your application is if someone refers you. The person referring you needs not care about your knowledge or ability to write – they need only like you. Yes, that’s the hardest part. It’s gross commercial journalism.