
Are Bajorans and Cardassians same species?

Are Bajorans and Cardassians same species?

No, they are two different species. Cardassians occupied Bajor for a long time, oppressing the Bajorans, and it seems that the male Cardassians mated with female Bajorans… making them genetically compatible, but they are still different species.

Are Cardassians related to Bajorans?

Cardassians are the same species as Bajorans the same way the Pah-wraiths are the same species as the Prophets. Dukat had explained that the Pah-wraiths were removed from the celestial temple because they wanted to take a more active role in the events on Bajor.

Does Bajor join the Federation?

In the episode “Rapture” Federation membership of Bajor is an important plot-point. Later, in the non-canon Deep Space Nine relaunch novels, Bajor finally joins the Federation.

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Does DS9 orbit Bajor?

In the Star Trek universe, Deep Space Nine was originally a Cardassian mining and refinery station named Terok Nor in orbit around Bajor, and it was built by Bajoran slave labor under Cardassian rule in 2346. In 2369, the Bajorans assumed control of the station.

When did cardassia invade Bajor?

In 2318 the Cardassian Union, which had been taken over by a military dictatorship, invaded Bajor, occupying it for fifty years, during which time they forced many Bajorans into slave labor, using them in their various mining operations.

How much stronger is a Klingon than a human?

Physical Strength In the ENT episode “Borderland” two Human Augments take on a crew of Klingons. Augments are five times stronger then Humans. So Klingons are somewhere between more than three times stronger but less then five times stronger then Humans.

What did the Bajorans think of the aliens in DS9?

Bajorans thought of these aliens as gods and often prayed to them for guidance. ( DS9: ” Emissary “, ” The Homecoming “, ” Prophet Motive “, ” Rapture “, ” Tears of the Prophets “) They also believed that everything happened for a reason and that starships were guided by the hands of the Prophets while passing through the Bajoran wormhole.

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Where did the Nine orbs of Bajor come from?

The nine Orbs which had appeared on or near Bajor in that time, and which were revered as active links between the Bajoran people and the Prophets, were thought to have come from the wormhole. There were also several unexplained incidents over the centuries that were later attributed to the wormhole after its discovery.

Who made the first contact with Bajor in Star Trek?

It was no coincidence, then, that first contact by the United Federation of Planets was made by Starfleet officer Ben Sisko inside the wormhole in 2369. The Bajoran people celebrated the event and named Sisko as the Emissary of the Prophets to Bajor.

What is the difference between Deep Space Nine and Bajor?

Bajor is a Class M planet with five moons. A day on Bajor lasts 26 hours, and Deep Space Nine also follows a 26-hour day. Bajor’s atmosphere has a greenish tint; as a result, oceans viewed from space will appear more green than blue. Bajor, the seventh planet in the system]