
Are there exceptions to the law of conservation of mass?

Are there exceptions to the law of conservation of mass?

Conservation of mass – mass cannot be destroyed in any process, with one exception (see #6), and mass cannot be created from nothing. Conservation of charge – In any physical process, like a chemical reaction, the number of positive and negative charges remains the same after the process is complete.

Will the law of conservation of mass still be true if the sample is in an open system?

Special relativity. In special relativity, the conservation of mass does not apply if the system is open and energy escapes. However, it does continue to apply to totally closed (isolated) systems. If energy cannot escape a system, its mass cannot decrease.

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Is conservation of mass true?

The Law of Conservation of Mass dates from Antoine Lavoisier’s 1789 discovery that mass is neither created nor destroyed in chemical reactions. The Law of Conservation of Mass holds true because naturally occurring elements are very stable at the conditions found on the surface of the Earth.

Under what circumstances will the law of conservation of mass not hold true?

Mass is therefore never conserved because a little of it turns into energy (or a little energy turns into mass) in every reaction. But mass+energy is always conserved. Energy cannot be created out of nothing. It can only be created by destroying the appropriate amount of mass according to E = mc2.

Why mass Cannot be created or destroyed?

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter can change form through physical and chemical changes, but through any of these changes, matter is conserved. The same amount of matter exists before and after the change—none is created or destroyed. This concept is called the Law of Conservation of Mass.

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Why does this equation disobey the law of conservation of mass?

Explanation: This equation does not violate the law of conservation of mass because there are equal numbers of atoms of each kind on each side. The law of conservation of mass states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. Thus, the amount of matter cannot change.

Can we destroy atoms?

No atoms are destroyed or created. The bottom line is: Matter cycles through the universe in many different forms. In any physical or chemical change, matter doesn’t appear or disappear. Atoms created in the stars (a very, very long time ago) make up every living and nonliving thing on Earth—even you.

Can you destroy matter?

Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. This is the law of conservation of matter (mass). The amount of water (matter) stayed the same, but the volume just changed a bit.

How does the size of a particle affect its momentum?

The more massive the particle, the larger is the magnitude of the momentum p of the particle when it is moving with speed v, and the smaller is the deBroglie wavelength λ . Wave packets build from harmonic waves with smaller wavelength can be smaller in size.

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What is the most likely speed of the particle in the wave?

The most likely speed of the particle is the speed of the center of the wave packet. This speed is approximately twice the speed of the component waves.

What is the dispersion relation for a free particle?

This relationship is called the dispersion relation for free particles. For any wave λf = ω/k = v wave . Using the dispersion relation for a free particle we find v wave = ω/k = ħ k/ (2m) = p/ (2m) = mv/ (2m) = v/2. This may seem surprising.

What are the dimensions of the electron and nuclear particles?

Typical atomic dimensions are on the order of 10-10 m, nuclear dimensions are on the order of 10-15 m, and the electron seems to be a point particle with no size at all. How do these particles behave? If a wave equation describes the behavior of photons, maybe a wave equation also describes the behavior of other microscopic particles.