
At what altitude do you stop rotating with the Earth?

At what altitude do you stop rotating with the Earth?

So a practical answer to your question is then “above the atmosphere”, which is at about a 100km height. This is the von Kármán line, which is often taken as the definition of the edge of space.

What would happen if the Earth stopped rotating?

At the Equator, the earth’s rotational motion is at its fastest, about a thousand miles an hour. If that motion suddenly stopped, the momentum would send things flying eastward. Moving rocks and oceans would trigger earthquakes and tsunamis. The still-moving atmosphere would scour landscapes.

Does Earth’s rotation affect air travel?

In the frame of reference of the airplane, everything is stationary. Similarly, the airplane is already moving along with the surface of the Earth before it takes off. The rotation of the Earth has no direct significant effect on flight times in either direction.

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Are flight times affected by earth’s rotation?

Does earth’s atmosphere rotate with the planet?

As the Earth turns, the atmosphere rotates with it. But different parts of the atmosphere travel at different velocities through space. For example, here’s how much the Earth rotates in 5 hours. To keep up, air at the Equator moves farther and faster.

What would happen to an airplane flying in a spinning Earth?

An airplane flying in a spinning earth is actually fly in air that is moving at 1000 mph. Since the air does not come to a sudden stop it would be OK until it tried to land; there would be no land because the oceans would wash over the land.

Why can’t airplanes go straight up and let the earth pass beneath?

Why can’t airplanes go straight up and let the Earth pass beneath? The answer is – NO, you cannot have an airplane go straight up and let the Earth pass underneath to reach your destination, unless you are willing to burn an incredibly large amount of fuel and make the journey downright uneconomical.

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Can a plane hover in the sky and land at another destination?

Similarly, a plane cannot hover in the sky and land at a different destination. This is because, when the plane is parked on the runway, it’s already moving at a very high speed (almost 1000 mph) due to the rotation of the Earth.

Why can’t we see the rotation of the Earth?

However, since we don’t live in a tiny world where we can see mountains, forests, buildings and other structures spinning endlessly, the rotation of Earth becomes quite difficult to visualize. That’s why we tend to ignore its effects, which leads to questions like the one proposed in the title of this article.