
Can a chartered accountant become a shareholder of a company?

Can a chartered accountant become a shareholder of a company?

CA article can be a shareholder in a company but he/she can only be sleeping partner in partnership firm of family business concern .

Can a CA be partner in 2 firms?

Yes a CA can become partner in 2 firms. But, both the firms will become ineligible for Bank empanelment and CAG empanelment.

Can CA Articleship be done in a company?

A CA Student can register under a CA working in a Company and continue his Articleship under that CA. This training pursued in a company will form a part of Articleship Training undertaken by the Student.

Who can become partner in CA firm?

(4) enters into partnership, in or outside India, with any person other than a chartered accountant in practice or such other person who is a member of any other professional body having such qualifications as may be prescribed, including a resident who but for his residence abroad would be entitled to be registered as …

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Can a practicing CA become CFO?

NO, a proprietor of CA Firm, who holds Certificate of Practice, can not be appointed as CFO of the Company. CFO being the key managerial personnel of the Company can’t hold CP. Moreover As per Section 203 of Companies Act 2013 Appointment of key managerial personnel.

How much does a CA firm earn?

Important factors to consider:

Field Average Pay
Practice 03 – 07 Lakhs
Consulting 08 – 14 Lakhs
CA Firm 04 – 10 Lakhs
Industry (incl. MNCs, startups and others) Upto 25 lakhs based on the role

Pursuant to the issue of use of CA Logo, ICAI has issued notification dated 26.10. 2015 with regard to clarification of use of CA Logo. [i.e. Letter CA with a Tick mark (upside down) inside a rounded rectangle with white background] is permissible to be used by the members (i.e. Chartered Accountants).

Does CA Articleship count as work experience?

Articleship is training under the CA regulations without any specific KRAs, so even if you get a stipend for working almost full time, it is not counted as work experience and is instead lumped with apprenticeship/training et.

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Can CA become partner with lawyer?

yes,The council has prescribed regulation 53B of CA regulations, 1988 specifying persons for the purpose of partnership and Advocates, member of bar council of India are included in item 3 of that regulation. Thus a CA and Advocates can well enter into partnership.

Can CA become Google CEO?

There is no such thing that only Chartered Accountant can be or A Chartered Accountant can’t be a CEO. For the position of CEO, most important thing is the manegerial skills, as the CEO has to manage the whole organisation, now to attain those manegerial skills people usually opt MBA.

How hard is it to break into business as a recent graduate?

Go away!” If you’re a recent graduate, you’ll be placed in the same category as everyone else – unless you have a really unusual situation (you started a business when you were 18, ran it for 10 years, then sold it and started college at age 28). The more full-time work experience you have, the harder it gets to break in at the entry-level.

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Is quitting your job the best decision of Your Life?

Quitting my job was, in retrospective, the best decision of my life. It was not easy, though. The path to freedom is plagued with fears, doubts and uncertainty. When I took the decision to quit my job, I was utterly scared.

What does corporate life have to do with your health?

Corporate life can be synonymous with sacrifice, often of the mental and physical kind. Being able to up my health investment is paying dividends in my professional life. Health and work don’t have to be mutually exclusive.