
Can a human be like a Vulcan?

Can a human be like a Vulcan?

Vulcans present a logical, dispassionate front to the world despite experiencing deep emotions. While being exactly like a Vulcan may be impossible and unwise for a human, you may decide that you want to be more like one.

How are humans better than Vulcans?

Vulcans are roughly 1.6 times stronger than humans due to their greater respiratory capacity, higher planetary temperature, and gravity.

Are humans the weakest species in Star Trek?

Humans may be a hardy lot in the Star Trek universe, but they’re far from the strongest. In fact, many otherworldly races are so dangerous that they are considered prime threats by Starfleet. Others are immensely powerful, but hold no malice or ambition, making them wild cards in terms of galactic diversity.

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Why did Vulcans help humans?

The Vulcans were far more advanced, with far more experienced when they first made contact with humans. Their ships were faster, their crews longer lived and more able. They saw humans as lesser beings as made obvious in several episodes of STE. Why then would they lose so much of their culture?

How do Vulcans view humans?

Vulcans in general, are mistrustful of humans and find their emotions and irrationality tiring, on top of that, humans smell funny.

Are Vulcans stoic?

Both are often regarded as cold-hearted or emotionless. In fact, both Vulcans and Stoics are deeply emotional, and although their stern faces and disciplined postures don’t give that impression, they nonetheless feel strongly; however, they control how they react and express themselves.

Are Klingons stronger than Vulcans?

Klingons are physically stronger but emotional. Vulcans are better trained in combat (or at least the ones who go out in space are) and better equipped to use their intellect to take down their opponent.

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Are humans smarter than Vulcans?

Vulcan brains are more advanced than humans in many ways, capable of telepathy and emotional merging via their mind meld ability. It’s inferred that Vulcans are smarter than humans in general and that their suppression of emotional response allows them to focus more on their intellectual development.

Are Klingons or Vulcans stronger?

Vulcans are stronger than Klingons and humans. Vulcans generally avoid fighting, ut their physical strength is superior to Klingons.

How much can a Vulcan lift?

A single-stick Vulcan Centaur with six solid-rocket boosters can put 27,200 kilograms into low-Earth orbit. This is nearly as much as the three-core Delta IV Heavy.

Do humans smell bad to Vulcans?

Because of the harsh conditions of their home planet, many Vulcan senses are heightened compared to humans. Vulcan is arid, so smells don’t travel as well. As a result, the Vulcan sense of smell is particularly sensitive compared to humans.

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How strong are Vulcans compared to humans?

Sisko says something about the Vulcans like, “they are stronger and faster then anyone of us, except for Worf and our genetically enhanced Doctor.” Vulcans are three times stronger than Humans. In the ENT episode “Borderland” two Human Augments take on a crew of Klingons. Augments are five times stronger then Humans.