
Can a network have multiple subnet masks?

Can a network have multiple subnet masks?

Multiple subnet masks can organize a single network into smaller networks (called subnetworks or subnets). Systems within the same subnet can communicate directly with each other, while systems on different subnets must communicate through a router.

How many Subnet Masks can you have in a network?

IP subnetting

Subnet Mask Number of Supported Hosts per Network
Class A Over 16 million
Class B Over 16 thousand
Class C 254

Can you have multiple subnets on the same LAN?

*You can have more than just two subnets on a LAN. Cisco refers to them all as secondary addresses although they technically should be called tertiary, quartenary, etc.

Can you have 2 different subnets on the same switch?

Switches can carry as many subnets as you want them to because they don’t know, or care, about IP routing. It’s actually fairly common in small setups to have a router (“gateway”) with multiple IP addresses, one per subnet, on a single Ethernet port.

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Do Subnet Masks have to match?

Subnet masks always work from left to right. Devices are said to be within the same subnet if their IP Address starts with the same digits, but ends with a different set of digits. If the subnet mask is 255.255. 255.0, then the first three octets of all devices must be the same.

How do I connect two subnets to one network?

How to Connect Computers That Are on 2 Different Subnets

  1. Connect the computers to the network.
  2. Connect the routers to each other.
  3. Enable a routing protocol in each subnet’s router.
  4. Allow time for the routing tables to update.

How do I setup two subnets on one network?

2 Answers

  1. Disconnect the second router.
  2. Reset it (just be sure)
  3. Change its IP address to 192.168.
  4. Set up the WiFi network as desired (probably the same as your other router to allow roaming)
  5. Disable DHCP.
  6. Connect a LAN port of your second router to a LAN port of the primary router.

Can clients on different subnets communicate?

Devices in different subnets can communicate. That is the purpose of a router. Routers route packets between different networks. Even if devices in different networks are on the same layer-2 broadcast domain, you need a router to let the devices communicate at layer-3.

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How many host can be on a subnet?

1.0. You need to create 5 sub networks each network has a maximum of 10 hosts. We can only use the first 8 bits for out subnets as these 8 bits have been allocated as host addresses. So Subnet masks of 255.255.

How many IPS does the subnet of 255.255 255.0 have?

Subnet Cheat Sheet – 24 Subnet Mask, 30, 26, 27, 29, and other IP Address CIDR Network References

CIDR Subnet mask # of usable IP addresses
/24 254
/23 510
/22 1,022
/21 2,046

Does each subnet need a router?

So the answer is yes, you need a gateway for every subnet because a subnet is a network. A network doesn’t need a router, a device does. Each device is assigned a subnet mask. The device can reach anything on that subnet, but needs a router to get to anything off the subnet.

Why do hosts on the same subnet share the same IP?

In short, because (1) the hosts are on the same L2 segment and (2) they all see each other’s IP addresses as being in their own subnet, they will communicate through the switch using MAC addresses as if they were in the same subnet, initially making ARP requests to match up the other devices’ IPs.

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How does the subnet mask determine the default gateway?

A pc uses the subnet mask to determine which network it belongs to.If it determines that an ip address is on the same network, it will arp for the host. If it determines the ip address is remote, it will arp for the default gateway.

Does DNA center wireless use subnet mask?

As john states the subnet mask IS used , but as thse tow host are within the same range as ech other then communication will be allowed. Please rate and mark posts accordingly if you have found any of the information provided useful. Here are some commonly asked questions and answers to help with your adoption of Cisco DNA Center Wireless.

Is it possible to have multiple subnets behind one router?

1) It is possible to have multiple subnets “behind” one router; the Internet would be a very broken place with millions more routers needed if it were not. However, your example of using a /16 subnet mask on the LAN interface, with many /24’s connecting to it, is not exactly how it would actually function.