
Can a person feel the Holy Spirit?

Can a person feel the Holy Spirit?

Yes! The Holy Spirit is a Person and He does have feelings. His feelings even resemble those of us as individuals and as parents. At church on Sunday, my minister explained how the Holy Spirit can be grieved, vexed, resisted, lied to, tempted, blasphemed, and quenched.

How do you get the Holy Ghost?

The path to receiving the Holy Ghost is to exercise faith in Christ unto repentance. We can become clean through qualifying for the effects of the Savior’s Atonement. The covenants offered in baptism by authorized servants of God bring that cleansing.

How do you hear from the Holy Spirit?

Hearing from the Holy Spirit always comes in tranquility and out of a deep feeling that moves you. It comes form a different place than a fleshly intuition or desire. It is a practice form of being in God’s presence through quieting noise, silencing the voices around you, to listen to God in prayer.

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Do we feel the Holy Spirit?

Scripture does not command us to feel the Holy Spirit or His leading. The Spirit is not like that. Like the wind, we can see the effect of the Spirit of God and we might feel that effect in our lives, but we do not necessarily always feel Him or His leading.

What makes the Holy Spirit depart from a person?

Because of who He is, there are several things which make Him depart from a person or a congregation. Major reasons are; 1. Sin The Holy Spirit is pure and righteous. As Jesus was without sin so is the Holy Spirit. When a person or a congregation is in sin, the Holy Spirit departs; He does not sin nor live in sin with the person.

Why do believers hesitate to receive the Holy Spirit?

Many believers hesitate to receive the Holy Spirit because they’re not sure what to expect. The thought of prophesying, speaking in tongues or dancing in front of their church unnerves them. They don’t want to look foolish or make a mistake. Well, good news!

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What happens when the Holy Spirit leaves a person in sin?

When a person or a congregation is in sin, the Holy Spirit departs; He does not sin nor live in sin with the person. He waits for you to stop sinning and repent for Him to come back.