
Can an employer keep you longer than scheduled?

Can an employer keep you longer than scheduled?

There is nothing illegal about an employer requiring you to stay past your scheduled shift. However, if you are a non-exempt employee (entitled to overtime), you must be paid for this extra time.

Can an employee be forced to work over time?

Yes, employers in California may compel their employees to work overtime. In most cases, employers can also discipline, demote, or fire employees who refuse to work the extra hours. An employee may voluntarily choose not to take a day of rest but may not be coerced.

Can work force you to stay late?

Employment in the United States is “employment at will.” The most dramatic consequence of that is that, with very few exceptions, an employer may fire an employee at any time, for any reason. The employer can require you to come in early, to stay late, or to work on what is supposed to be your day off.

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Can my employer make me work extra hours unpaid?

Employees can be required to work overtime, whether paid or unpaid, only if this is provided for in their contract of employment. It is often the case that employees are expected to work unpaid overtime from time to time, to meet the reasonable requirements of the business.

Can a manager force you to work?

The California Labor Code (Section 6311) allows you to refuse to perform unsafe work as long as it is a violation of a Cal/OSHA standard or Labor Code provision and is hazardous enough that any reasonable person would think his/her health or safety would be in danger by doing the work.

Can you be forced to work without pay?

Employers in the United States must pay employees for all hours worked and cannot force workers to labor without receiving minimum compensation set by federal or state law. An employer cannot sanction, discriminate against or fire an employee for not working without pay.

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Can you say no to overtime?

If your contract doesn’t mention overtime You have a right to say no but if you say no without a good reason, it might damage your relationship with your boss. They might try to change the working hours in your contract.

Can a nonexempt employee be asked to do work off the clock?

] Nonexempt employees who are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act can’t be asked to do work off the clock. For instance, workers can’t be required to do prep work or clean up outside their paid shifts. What’s more, employers should be wary of any request to be paid in cash or off the books.

What to do if you have a problem with a coworker?

1. Separate your personal problems with the one coworker from your work interactions with her, even if she and her friend at work do not seem to be keeping them separate. Work is work and away from work should stay there. You say you that you “had” a problem away from work, implying it’s over now.

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Do you have to go back to work if you quit?

This one is complicated, but generally, if your company says you have to return to the workplace, you have to go back if you want to keep the job. “Workers have a very limited right under the law to refuse work they consider to be hazardous to their health,” Berkowitz says.

How do I get my boss to let me have time off?

Clarify work hour expectations with your boss and set a specific time for work and non-work hours. Amp up this exercise by asking your boss and coworkers to hold you accountable. By sticking to this, you’ll give yourself my down time to recharge.