
Can I legally paint my side of Neighbours fence?

Can I legally paint my side of Neighbours fence?

Your neighbour doesn’t have to change a wall or fence just because you want them to, for example making it higher for privacy. You can’t make changes to your side without their permission, such as painting it. If the wall or fence seems dangerous, point this out because your neighbour might not be aware.

Is it OK to paint one side of a fence?

Who can paint or otherwise alter a fence once it’s up? Only the owner of the fence may make any changes to it, even where the other side of the fence is on neighbouring property. This means that if you erect a fence in your garden, your neighbour must ask for permission before painting or staining their side of it.

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Can I stain my side of a shared fence?

If the fence is on the property line, the “face” or side on your side is yours to paint, as long as you only paint your side.

Can my Neighbour film me without my permission?

Simply put, it is illegal to record someone on their private property in any way. So, if you do want to take further steps to prevent your neighbour from recording you, you are well within your rights to do so.

Do I need permission to paint my neighbours fence?

If you do not own the wall, then you MUST get permission before you get the paint pot and paintbrush out. In general, you own the left side of your fence. So, if the right side is new, looking shabby and needs a thorough good paint or stain, then you should speak with your neighbour before you start.

Can I paint both sides of my fence?

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Painting both sides of the fence can be acceptable if the fence didn’t fall on your neighbor’s property line. Because that would mean the fence is all to yourself. You don’t have to explain or even ask permission, because you are building within your property and it is your right.

Can I paint the right side of my Neighbour’s house?

So, if the right side is new, looking shabby and needs a thorough good paint or stain, then you should speak with your neighbour before you start. In most cases, the neighbour should agree just as long as it is not a drastic colour or stain! If you get a NO, what can you do?

How do I get my Neighbor to remove a stained fence?

If your neighbor didn’t ask for your permission when painting the fence or if he stained on your fence, there may be several ways to approach this situation (this is assuming that the fence is in your property line): Talk to your neighbor, and ask him to remove the color because the fence is solely yours.