
Can I make my Neighbour cut down their tree?

Can I make my Neighbour cut down their tree?

Your neighbour can cut any branches that are overhanging into their garden as long as they only remove the bits on their side of the boundary. If they want you to cut your tree or hedge just because they don’t like the way it looks, it’s up to you whether you do the work.

How can I get my neighbor to cut down my tree?

Can I make my neighbor cut down their tree?

  1. Requesting them to cut it down on their own by pointing out the danger it poses.
  2. Reporting them to the HOA.
  3. Reporting them to the local authority in your area.

What can I do if my neighbor’s tree is too big?

If a neighbour’s tree or hedge is growing over into your garden, you cannot make them cut it back. However, you do have the right to remove overgrowing branches yourself, but only back to the common boundary. Any cuttings must be offered back to the tree or hedge owner.

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Is there a height limit for Neighbours trees?

In general, there is no specific limit to the height that a tree is allowed to grow, but if the trees form a vegetative screen that is limiting a neighbours usage/enjoyment then it could be a High Hedge issue which Planning Enforcement would potentially get involved with.

Can a neighbor cut down a tree on your property line?

It is always best to check if there are any local laws about cutting a neighbor’s trees, but generally, most state and local laws permit you to prune parts of your neighbor’s tree that cross the property line into your side without asking your neighbor. You may only prune up to the property line and must stay on your property.

How do I resolve a tree dispute with my Neighbour?

Where tree branches are more than 2.5m above the ground and overhang by at least 0.5m, you can apply to QCAT for an order. The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) can help resolve neighbourhood tree disputes. QCAT can make a legally enforceable decision on the matter.

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Can you cut a tree overhanging the boundary line?

If it is, you need a permit to cut it back. If it’s not protected, or you have a permit, you can cut back any leaves, branches or roots overhanging the boundary line. This is known as the right of abatement, and is done at your cost, unless otherwise agreed.

How do I get my Neighbour to remove overhanging branches?

Written notices to remove overhanging branches If your neighbour’s tree is causing you problems and you have not been able to come to an agreement by talking to your neighbour, you can give them a notice to remove the problem branches, using a Form 3 – Notice for removal of particular overhanging branches.