
Can Macedonians and Serbians understand each other?

Can Macedonians and Serbians understand each other?

No it won’t. About 70\% of ppl, understand and speak Serbo-Croatian very well. It used to me official language of Yugoslavia, and at least in Macedonia we learned it school for two years. Older generation speaks it and understand it very well.

Do Slovenians and Serbians understand each other?

In general, Serbs tend to understand Slovenian much better than Croats. This is mainly due to similarities in vocabulary (e.g. beautiful->lep (SLO) and lep (SRB)) and intonation between Serbian and Slovenian.

Can Romanians understand Serbians?

Serbian is similar to the Romance languages solely because both Slavic and Romance are Indo-European (and by similar I mean share certain grammatical features with them). On other levels, Serbian and Romanian are not similar and belong to completely different language families and are not mutually intelligible.

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Is Serbia a poor?

One in four people in Serbia lives below the poverty line, making it the poorest country in Europe. The Serbian government estimated the total damage at 1.5 billion euros. The GDP growth rate decreased 4.4\% to an alarming negative 1.8\%.

Is Macedonian a dead language?

Macedonian developed out of the western dialects of the East South Slavic dialect continuum, whose earliest recorded form is Old Church Slavonic….Macedonian language.

Native speakers 1.4–3.5 million (1999–2011)
Language family Indo-European Balto-Slavic Slavic South Slavic Eastern South Slavic Macedonian

What language did Alexander speak?

Ancient Greek
Ancient Macedonian language
Alexander the Great/Languages

How many languages do Slovenians speak?

There are 46 different dialects in Slovenia On account of only 2.3 million people speaking the language, the 46 dialects of Slovenian language, often classifies Slovene as the most diverse Slavic Language.

Why are there so many different words in Croatian and Serbian?

Some of those words are just regionally colored, such as: Serbian greeting “zdravo” and Croatian “bog”, or “hleb/hljeb” vs “kruh”, “voz” vs “vlak” etc. Other words are different because Serbs took a foreign word and Croats coined their own word: pasoš / putovnica; avion / zrakoplov; aerodrom / zračna luka.

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What is the difference between Bosnian and Croatian?

Bosnian standard partly conforms with Croatian and partly with Serbian. Its main distinction is more Turkish loanwords in the standard vocabulary. On the other hand, Serbian and Croatian already have a long tradition in being taught to foreigners, starting as Serbo-Croatian. Consequently, there are more quality books available.

Can Bosnian and Serbian be spoken together?

In addition, the Serbian standard assimilated another subdialect: Shumadinian-Voivodinian (šumadijsko-vojvođanski) – marked blue in the picture. The conclusion is: weather you learn Bosnian, Montenegrin, Serbian or Croatian, you will be able to communicate across all the four countries.

Why Montenegrin and Bosnian are the newest languages in Europe?

And I’ll explain why: Montenegrin and Bosnian are the newest languages. Therefore, resources available for them are quite scarce and undeveloped. Bosnian standard partly conforms with Croatian and partly with Serbian. Its main distinction is more Turkish loanwords in the standard vocabulary.

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