
Can machine translation help the language learner?

Can machine translation help the language learner?

As well, machine translation helps limited proficiency learners to produce more written output that is of better quality in the target language (García, 2010).

How will machine translators change language learning?

Rather than working at a phrase level, they take entire sentences and model sentences outputs.” The new system is known as neural machine translation. It uses large amounts of computer information to learn over time how to produce translations that sound more like real human language.

Can translation app can replace the need of taking foreign language classes?

However, such technologies are now widely accessible. The upshot is that developing an awareness of differences between languages and the ways in which they underpin key cross-cultural differences is something that every Australian will have to develop.

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Why do translators need to learn about technology?

Translation technology helps us to provide solutions for our customers and meet their needs. This means that we can keep track of their specific terminology and ensure that their translated content has a consistent voice.

What is the role of translation in learning a foreign language?

Translation teaches learners about language, but not how to use it. Translation does not help learners develop their communication skills. Translation encourages learners to use L1, often for long periods of class time, when the aim of modern teaching is to remove it from the classroom.

What is the greatest contribution of technology in translation?

The Impact of Technology on the Translation Industry

  • Improved Quality. Good translation jobs demand the highest quality output.
  • Improved Productivity. Technology can be employed to help speed up the overall translation process.
  • Better Connectivity.
  • E-commerce.
  • High Tech Trends.

What is the relationship between technology and translation?

Over the years, translation has gone through many changes and since the surge of personal computers rapid changes have been made. The use of technology in translation work has become increasingly more important and the process has become more efficient.

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What is the importance of machine translation?

Machine translation is faster. One of the key advantages of machine translation is speed. A computer program can translate tremendous amounts of content quickly. Human translators, on the other hand, are more accurate but take much longer to complete the same amount of work.

Is machine translation good or bad?

This is the kiss of death for marketing and journalistic texts, but it might not be a problem for technical texts. Translation machines also tend to directly translate writing styles used frequently in German that are considered bad practice in English writing. One example is the passive voice.

Why do we use machines for translation?

Some machines can take something written in one language and give users the same or similar wording in another language. These machines are designed to do this kind of work quickly and without mistakes. Some of the devices are so small they can be carried around the world.

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Does automated translation help or hinder the diversity of languages?

“Things like automated translation – which makes it possible that everything gets translated into your native language – actually helps in preserving the diversity of languages.” Marty Abbott agrees. She is the executive director of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

How can we improve the quality of translation?

Rapid improvements in machine translation and speech recognition technologies in recent years appear to offer an easy way out. While problems still arise, the use of AI has led to remarkable improvements in the quality of Google translations, and increasingly accurate speech recognition technologies are now widely available.

Can technology replace the need to learn languages?

While such technologies are an increasingly useful tool, they can no more replace the deep cross-cultural knowledge that comes with learning languages than the advent of calculators meant we no longer needed to learn maths. However, such technologies are now widely accessible.