
Can rational to the power of irrational be rational?

Can rational to the power of irrational be rational?

If you raise an irrational number to a rational power, it is possible to get something rational. For instance, raise Sqrt[2] to the power 2 and you’ll get 2.

Can irrational raised to irrational be rational?

which is clearly rational, and then again the answer is yes. So either is rational or that number raised to is rational. We don’t know which one is the case, but we don’t need to know to answer the question, because we know that it is possible that an irrational number raised to an irrational number can be rational.

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Is the square of an irrational number is always a rational number?

Square of an irrational number is always a rational number.

Can exponents be irrational?

Exponents can be rational and irrational numbers.

What does it mean to raise a number to an irrational power?

Irrational exponents are non repeating or infinite decimals while rational exponents are rational numbers. The value of an irrational exponent when calculated is approximate in nature while the value of rational exponent is exact.

Can a power be a rational number?

Rational exponents (also called fractional exponents) are expressions with exponents that are rational numbers (as opposed to integers ). While all the standard rules of exponents apply, it is helpful to think about rational exponents carefully.

Can a rational number be a perfect square?

A perfect square is a rational number that has rational square roots. The usage of this term is especially limited to real numbers. All numbers considered as perfect squares are nonnegative, following from the definition of the square root. Integer perfect squares are 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36.

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When a rational number is added to an irrational number the result is always?

The sum of any rational number and any irrational number will always be an irrational number.

What does it mean to have an irrational power?

A number which cannot be written in the form where and are integers and is not equal to , is called an irrational number. An irrational number is non-terminating and non-repeating, meaning it doesn’t have an ending like or , and it doesn’t have a set of decimal numbers repeating again and again. For example, take.

What are irrational powers?

What happens when you raise an irrational number to a rational power?

If you raise an irrational number to a rational power, it is possible to get something rational. For instance, raise Sqrt [2] to the power 2 and you’ll get 2. But what happens if you raise an irrational number to an irrational power?

What are some examples of irrational numbers?

Examples of Irrational Numbers 1 5/0 is an irrational number, with the denominator as zero. 2 π is an irrational number which has value 3.142…and is a never-ending and non-repeating number. 3 √2 is an irrational number, as it cannot be simplified. 4 0.212112111…is a rational number as it is non-recurring and non-terminating. More

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Is SQRT [2] Irrational?

We know that Sqrt [2] is irrational. So, if A=Sqrt [2] and B=Sqrt [2] satisfy the conclusion of the theorem, then we are done. If they do not, then Sqrt [2] Sqrt [2] is irrational, so let A be this number.

Is the sum of two rational numbers always rational?

#Rule 1: The sum of two rational numbers is also rational. #Rule 2: The product of two rational number is rational. #Rule 3: The sum of two irrational numbers is not always irrational. #Rule 4: The product of two irrational numbers is not always irrational.