
Can the politics industry correct itself?

Can the politics industry correct itself?

The dysfunctions of the politics industry are perpetuated by unhealthy competition and barriers to entry that secure the duopoly’s position regardless of results. Our political system will not correct itself. There are no countervailing forces or independent and empowered regulators to restore healthy competition.

How can we fix America’s political system?

There are lots of ways to do this but the two boldest ideas are to create an independent group of centrist legislators to act as the “king makers” to pass legislation, and to implement something called “ranked-choice” voting that would make it harder for candidates on the political extremes to win election. Consider both in turn.

What is the real problem with American politics?

The real problem with American politics is the growing tendency among politicians to pursue victory above all else—to treat politics as war—which runs counter to basic democratic values and may be crippling Washington’s ability to reach solutions that capture the smartest thinking of both camps.

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Is it possible to rebuild the centre ground in American politics?

The situation looks bleak. But it need not be. There is a solution, and it is to rebuild the centre ground in American politics. This requires re-engineering our institutions to foster centrism, moderation and compromise—to ensure the bridge can withstand the 21st-century loads asked of it.

Is the American political system a public or private institution?

Although people tend to think of the American political system as a public institution based on high-minded principles and impartial structures and practices derived from the Constitution, it’s not. Politics behaves according to the same kinds of incentives and forces that shape competition in any private industry.

Will Congress return to business-as-usual political brinksmanship?

When today’s crisis subsides, Congress will return to business-as-usual political brinksmanship that fails to solve our many other current challenges and prevent future crises. It doesn’t have to be this way. Powerful solutions—ones you may not be familiar with—exist and can be implemented within years, not decades.

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Why don’t people understand the control systems?

People just don’t understand this, accept this, or want to believe that it applies to them, but none of that changes the fact that this is all true. The control systems play on people’s FEAR. Fear that you won’t fit in. Fear you won’t be handsome enough.

How can we fix the political-industrial complex?

Certain strategic changes to the rules of the game in elections and legislating would alter incentives in ways that create healthy competition, innovation, and accountability. Business, in pursuing its short-term interests, has become a major participant in the political-industrial complex, exacerbating its dysfunction.