
Can the WAIS be administered remotely?

Can the WAIS be administered remotely?

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–Fourth Edition (WAIS–IV; Wechsler, 2008) can be administered in a telepractice context by using digital tools from Q-global®, Pearson’s secure online-testing and scoring platform.

How is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale fourth edition administered?

The WAIS-IV may be administered in paper-and-pencil or web-based (Q-interactive) format; it can be scored manually or with software. NOTE: Field-based data collection for development of the WAIS-5 is ongoing through 2020.

How long does it take to administer the WAIS-IV?

Approximately 60 to 90 minutes
A common purpose for the WAIS is for educational planning and placement with older adolescents and adults. The test includes 11 subtests with various types of format. Approximately 60 to 90 minutes is required for completion.

How long does it take to administer the WAIS?

According to the WAIS-III manual (Wechsler, 1997b), administration of the 11 subtests, which comprise the summary scores averages 75 min, with a range of 60 to 90 min. The 11 subtests that comprise the index scores average 60 min, ranging from 45 to 75 min, to administer.

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Why do you think Wechsler tests are important?

Although there are many different reasons why the WAIS might be used, it’s sometimes used by neuropsychologists and rehabilitation psychologists in people who have been injured. They are able to utilize the test to see what areas of the brain have been affected as well as determine cognitive function.

How much does the WAIS IV cost?

WAIS-IV Q-global Interpretive Report Qty 1 (Digital)

1-49 $3.90
50-99 $3.70 5\%
100-249 $3.50 10\%
250+ $3.30 15\%
Savings are estimated

How many items are in WAIS IV?

The current version of the test, the WAIS-IV, which was released in 2008, is composed of 10 core subtests and five supplemental subtests, with the 10 core subtests yielding scaled scores that sum to derive the Full Scale IQ.