
Can you have multiple medical specialties?

Can you have multiple medical specialties?

It is possible for a physician to do work in more than one specialty, yes. This is very common in rural facilities. For example, in many rural hospitals the emergency room physician is actually a family physician who is on call.

Can you do multiple medical residencies?

Residency programs that share a hospital with other medical specialties are called Opposed Programs, while residency programs that are the only medical specialty in the hospital are Unopposed Programs. No matter how much you love both programs, applying to more than one specialty within a single hospital is a gamble.

Can you do two specialties?

Residency and Specialty Training However, some doctors seek training in dual specialties, such as internal medicine and dermatology, internal medicine and psychiatry, or emergency medicine and family medicine. This dual training is often sponsored by the medical boards themselves.

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What do Med-Peds do?

Internal Medicine-Pediatrics (Med-Peds) training and practice synthesizes the disciplines of both internal medicine and pediatrics. Med-Peds physicians tend to the care of patients throughout their life span.

How hard is it to change medical specialties?

It is still possible to switch specialties if you are already in practice. It’s been done, but it requires a degree of sacrifice. It will require that you repeat residency, you may have to move and you will have to take a pay cut for several years.

What happens after medical residency in the US?

After Medical Residency. After residency training, residents choose to either practice in the chosen specialty or pursue further fellowship training. Within one to two years of finishing residency, doctors also take specialty boards to become board certified in the specialty in which they trained.

How do I apply for residency in a specialty?

You will apply to residency through The Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) through MyERAS for the majority of specialties. Ophthalmology and plastic surgery use the SF Match service. For each system, you will need to include your biographical and educational information.

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How long is medical residency training?

How Long Is Medical Residency? (By Specialty) The average length of residency training is about four and a half years. The shortest residency training programs are three years and the longest are seven. After residency training, some people pursue fellowship training which can range in length from one to three years, on average.

What is the difference between primary care and surgical residency?

Primary care residency programs are the shortest while surgical residencies are longer. Regardless of how long your residency training, your level of responsibility, autonomy, and independence increases in each year of residency so that by the end of your residency training, you are functioning independently in your chosen specialty.