
Can you make a podcast about anything?

Can you make a podcast about anything?

Choose A Topic You want your podcast to be focused on a particular topic or niche. Try to narrow it down to something you can speak about for many episodes (100+) but that isn’t so broad that you won’t appeal to your potential audience.

Does a podcast have to have a topic?

It needs to a topic you can talk about for hours, something you find interesting and entertaining. If you don’t like the topic, there’s a good chance you’ll burn out and fall off consistently publishing new episodes simply because you’re not excited to put forth the effort.

What can you not say on a podcast?

That shows you how annoyingly powerful they are.

  • “Well, that’s something for a whole other podcast.” What other podcast?
  • “Can you edit this out?” / “Don’t worry, we’ll edit that out.” Well, you haven’t, have you.
  • “You can’t see this, but…”
  • “I’m so getting cancelled for this!”
  • “Uh, so, I don’t want to generalise….
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How do you come up with a podcast topic?

How to Come Up With an Idea for Your Podcast

  1. Brainstorm. Your first step is to brainstorm.
  2. Audience Research. Once you’ve completed some brainstorming and have 1 or more ideas, it is time to consider your audience.
  3. Evaluate the Market.
  4. Create a List of Content.
  5. Evaluate the Pros and Cons.
  6. Sit on Your Idea.

Can anyone start a podcast?

The good news is that the barrier to entry for starting a podcast is low. Even without technical skills, almost anyone can start a podcast. However, it’s not easy to make a successful podcast.

How do you introduce yourself in a podcast?

Your intro should set the tone for your podcast, meaning the words that you say, your tone of voice, and the music that you choose should make sense for your podcast topic and specific episode topic. If you are speaking about something light-hearted and fun, then your intro should reflect that.

Can a podcast have different topics?

You can take up various issues and analyze them from a unique perspective. A podcast reviewing different things. It could be places, restaurants, or books.

Can a podcast have multiple topics?

Starting multiple podcasts can be a great way for you to expand your podcast horizon without compromising a show and podcast community that is already well-established. It gives you the freedom to explore new topics with new listeners while still delivering consistent content to your first audience.

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Can I talk about movies on my podcast?

You can, for instance, discuss a copyrighted work on your podcast (such as a movie or book), but fair use does not give you the right to actually play clips of material or music without permission.

Can I use movie quotes in my podcast?

Yes you can use materials from other copyrighted works like TV shows and Movies. But You have to make sure it is a FAIR USE.

What is best topic for podcast?

100 Podcast Topic Ideas

  1. Podcast about specific places or people.
  2. Critique books or movies.
  3. Talk about podcasting.
  4. Time-specific podcasts.
  5. Board public buses and interview the drivers.
  6. Talk about a new skill or hobby that you are learning.
  7. A visual description of different locations.
  8. Tell different stories about your sponsors.

What questions do you ask on a podcast?

Podcast Interview Questions – Part 1

  • What’s something people seem to misunderstand about you?
  • What should I ask you that I didn’t know enough to ask? (
  • Show me on the doll where he touched you. (
  • Tell me about a patient that touched your heart, and tell me about a patient that changed your practice.

How to prepare for a podcast interview?

Here are 5 podcast interview tips you should consider doing before you start to see some really good questions flash inside your head for your podcast interviews. Write down what your goal is, with the interview. Jot down the questions you have about the guest or what they do that’s on the top of your head.

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How to choose a topic for a podcast?

Here’s Our FREE Podcast Training Bundl e When choosing a podcast topic idea, you want to choose a subject that positions you to make money. Choose a topic for your show that sets your podcast up to be a success right from the start and ensures that you will be attracting the perfect potential clients.

Why should I create a podcast?

A podcast will help you Get Your Message Out Worldwide and if you choose the right topic you will Attract An Audience Who Want To become clients – and be able to help more people If you don’t have a business, product or offer to sell yet, not to worry. Choose a topic that you could create a business or offer around later.

How do I start a small podcast?

Plan your podcast, from listener, to problem, to unique solution. Name your podcast – and don’t take long to do it! Plan initial episodes to get a feel for your topic and its longevity. Choose a format which balances quality and sustainability. Choose your equipment and use it to record a show.