
Can you pass a test without studying?

Can you pass a test without studying?

If you have an upcoming exam that you have not studied for, then you might be seriously concerned about passing it. While studying well in advance of an exam is the best strategy for success, you may still be able to pass an exam if you did not study.

Can Ca pass without coaching?

Can I pass CA without coaching? Ans. Yes, you can pass the CA course without Coaching. CA is a correspondence course and the authority who conduct this exam give all the required study material and other resources so the student can understand the syllabus and prepare for the exam.

How many hours a CA student should study?

You need not to study for 14-16 hours a day. Daily study for 10 hours is good enough. You may be able to study for more hours but your productivity will be very less. Hence take enough sleep to increase your productivity.

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Can I pass CA Inter by self study?

It is advisable to take classes for all the subjects at CA Intermediate level — once student clear their basics then they can even do self study at CA Final levels. Attending classes will only provides 50\% chances to clear CA exams but if you do self study then your chances to clear exams would increase to 90\%.

Can I do CA from home?

Of course you can! CA is a correspondence course, in which the Institute gives you all the sufficient study material and other resources required to understand all the subjects, practice and pass the exam.

How many CA Pass per year?

The Pass Percentage for May 2019 (Old Course) Group (i): In the CA-Final May 2019 (old course), 25052 are the number of candidates (appeared), 4610 candidates passed-pass percentage (new scheme) is 17.34\%.

Can CA be done at home?

Most understudying students have one thing in mind that, they can clear CA without coaching. In fact, with our experience, you can clear the CA exam without having an offline CA teacher in India. The most crucial and significant thing is to dedicate yourself to CA and choose an online mentor sitting just at home.

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When should I start preparing for CA?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India provides the three-level CA program comprising Foundation, Intermediate, and Final courses. While most aspirants start preparing for CA after Class 12, students can also start their preparation early, while they are in Class 11.