
Did Counselor Troi outrank Data?

Did Counselor Troi outrank Data?

To answer your Question Troi was a lieutenant commander before she took the bridge officers test remember Chief O’Brian said that Troi had the rank of lieutenant commander in disaster. Deanna Troi does outrank Data because a full commander is one grade higher then lieutenant commander.

Who was picards first officer after Riker?

Martin Madden
Martin Madden was a Human male, a Starfleet commander who was originally assigned to succeed William T. Riker as first officer of the starship USS Enterprise-E in 2379 following Riker’s promotion to Captain of the USS Titan.

Why didnt Riker leave the Enterprise?

This seems to have been at the root of Riker’s reluctance to leave the Enterprise; he had sought a father-figure, someone to fill that void in his life, and had found it in Jean-Luc Picard. As such, so long as Picard remained on the Enterprise’s bridge, Riker would want to be there too.

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Does Commander Riker leave the Enterprise?

At the start of the film, Riker finally accepts a promotion to Captain and an offer to command the USS Titan; during the movie’s final scenes he bids Picard, and the Enterprise, farewell.

Does crusher outrank Riker?

Crusher and Troi have the rank of full commander. Technically outranking Data, and both have “bridge watch” training. But in the event that Picard and Riker were both unable to command, Data would take the ship despite his rank of Lt. Commander.

What is Beverly Crusher’s rank?

This article describes a work or element of fiction in a primarily in-universe style.

Beverly Crusher
Position Chief Medical Officer (Seasons 1,3-7, Movies) Captain (Acting) (Season 6) Head of Starfleet Medical (Season 2)
Rank Commander

Why did Will Riker grow a beard?

According to Jonathan Frakes (the actor who portrays Riker) the beard was a result of his personal hatred of shaving, combined with the 1988 writer’s strike meaning that he had more time between shows than normal.

Why did Riker grow a beard STFC?

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I had grown a beard because I hated to shave, and Roddenberry, in his vision, said, ‘Jonathan, I love the beard. It’ll be nautical. But we’ll shape it, and that way, it’ll be decorative. Riker’s beard had an impact on the series’ universe.

Why does Riker call Troi Imzadi?

The novel expands on the meaning of imzadi when Troi explains that its literal meaning is “the first,” not necessarily referring to the first sexual partner but, as Troi puts it to Riker, “the first to ever touch your soul.”

How many commands did Riker turn down?

Riker grew so satisfied with his assignment under Picard, who quickly dubbed him “Number One” according to old Terran naval parlance, that he twice turned down two more commands of his own: once to the frontier scout ship U.S.S. Aries in 2365, and again to the ill-fated U.S.S.

What was Dr Crusher’s rank?

What rank was Riker when he took command of the Enterprise?

Riker was given sole command of the Enterprise by Starfleet Command while having the rank of Captain, and he commanded the Enterprise in battle. This differentiates him from others who commanded the Enterprise in Picard’s temporary absence.

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Who ever commanded the enterprise while Kirk was away?

Chekov, Scott, Spock and Sulu all commanded the Enterprise on many occasions while Kirk was away or a prisoner of someone or other (which seemed to happen quite a bit…). Spock was even the official Captain of the Enterprise at the start of the Wrath of Khan.

How did Riker join the Hathaway?

Picard gives Riker his choice of officers (save Data, who will be his first officer while Riker is absent). Riker goes down to engineering to ask Geordi La Forge to join him. La Forge has already prepared the necessary engineering tools to join Riker on the Hathaway.

Who were the captains of the Enterprise-a?

At the very least, as I recall, Spock, McCoy, Scott, Uhura and Sulu were all captains while serving aboard the Enterprise A. And you have to include Christopher Pike, Decker and whatever the names were of the two captains of the Enterprise B and Enterprise C that appear in the tv show and movies.