
Did Sisko ever return from the prophets?

Did Sisko ever return from the prophets?

Not in the TV series. He went to the prophets on the final episode. But he has returned in books as well as the online Trek game.

What does Eddington call Sisko?

Eddington would also call Sisko “Javert” when they talked. ( DS9: “For the Uniform”)

Is Sisko the Emissary?

It is revealed that Benjamin Sisko is always born by the Prophets’ design and is specifically meant to become the Emissary in every universe.

What happens to Ben Sisko?

He left DS9 at the end of the Dominion War to join the Bajoran Prophets, but returned to linear existence just in time for the birth of his daughter, Rebecca Jae Sisko. His wife Kasidy Yates and his daughter Rebecca joined him aboard the vessel, including during an extended exploration mission in the Gamma Quadrant.

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Does Sisko ever catch Eddington?

Sisko says that he is prepared to eliminate every Maquis colony in the Demilitarized Zone, and Eddington, realizing Sisko is serious, makes the “heroic” gesture of offering himself in exchange. Eddington is captured, and Sisko’s vendetta is finally over.

Who was Derek Garth?

Derek C. Garth (22 July 1946 – 16 December 1996; age 50) was a production staff member on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, where he worked as a “grip”, a lighting and rigging technician. After Garth lost his life in an automotive accident in 1996, the episode “In Purgatory’s Shadow” was dedicated to his memory.

Why did Sisko join the prophets?

Ben’s father passed away hours before Sisko reached Earth. This led Sisko to believe that the Prophets had been right and Ben decided to put as much distance between those he cared about and himself as he could. Sisko met with Fleet Admiral Leonard James Akaar and arranged for his commission to be reactivated.

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Why is Benjamin Sisko the Emissary?

Sisko visits the Bajoran spiritual leader Kai Opaka, who shows him an orb that the Bajorans believe was sent by their gods, “the Prophets”. Opaka calls Sisko the “Emissary” and tells him he is destined to discover the Prophets’ home, the Celestial Temple.

Who is Benjamin Sisko?

Benjamin Lafayette Sisko was a well-known Starfleet officer best remembered for his seven-year assignment commanding station Deep Space 9 in the Bajor sector.

Why didn’t Sisko ever meet Captain Kirk?

But DS9 saved the best part for last: Sisko meeting Kirk. Even though they had saved Kirk’s life from an exploding Tribble (and the Captain was none the wiser), Sisko couldn’t return to his own time because “there was one more thing [he] had to do…” and that was meet face-to-face with the Starfleet icon.

Why did Sisko resign his commission on DS9?

Recognizing that the assignment on DS9 is not an “ideal environment” in which to raise a son, Sisko contemplates resigning his commission. Adding to Sisko’s discomfort is the presence of Captain Picard, who briefs him on his mission. Sisko continues to harbor deep resentment toward Picard for his role, however unwilling, in the death of his wife.

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Why does Sisko say Badda Bing Badd a bang?

“Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang” hinges partly on Sisko’s knowledge of racism in 1960s Las Vegas. Where “Far Beyond the Stars” left Sisko with no choice but to confront racism in American history, “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang” allows Sisko the opportunity to reject what he sees as a false, comforting vision of humanity’s past.