
Do any countries still exist in Fallout?

Do any countries still exist in Fallout?

, Fallout player since the shareware demo of Fallout 1. We don’t know. We can deduce that no other major nation survived the Great War intact, or even anywhere close to intact, because if they had then they would have sent expeditions to the USA in the hundreds of years since the bombs fell.

What is China like in the Fallout universe?

For all we know China could be perfectly fine in the Fallout universe. Well in the universe of Fallout China is a nuclear wasteland, and most likely a dent in the earth given how many nukes were launched at it. There are probably remnants of the government/military just like the Enclave in the US.

Is a world like Fallout possible?

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No. Fallout is a work of fiction that is not intended to be plausible or scientifically accurate. It is entertainment only. It would not be possible for any number of humans to survive in such an environment for more than a few weeks, and a survivable level of nuclear devastation would not create a wasteland.

Does Europe exist in Fallout?

The European Commonwealth is mentioned in the Fallout intro, the Fallout Bible, and a Capitol Post article in Fallout 3.

Who nuked the US in Fallout?

This trend is continued in Fallout 4 with the obvious mushroom cloud in the distance. Therefore one could reasonably conclude that the Enclave nuked the United States all in an effort to pressure the population into the vaults.

What was Vault 111 experiment?

Vault 111 was constructed to observe the effects of long-term cryogenic stasis on unsuspecting test subjects, most of whom were residents of the nearby neighborhood of Sanctuary Hills and the town of Concord. Due to the nature of this experiment, the Vault was assigned only a skeleton crew of scientists and guards.

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Does China get nuked in Fallout?

The Great War Vaults are sealed as the air raid sirens blare for the last time. Within two hours, both the United States and China ceased to exist as nations, their cities vaporized in nuclear fireballs.

Why did the US annex Canada in Fallout?

The primary reason for the annexation was Canada’s natural resources, considered vital to the American military effort in the Sino-American War. Provinces such as Ontario became U.S. territories.