
Do we have to recite Surah behind Imam?

Do we have to recite Surah behind Imam?

In case your question is, should you, or should you not recite Surah Fatihah, and the other surah’s?? Then the answer is no. The imam’s recitation of Qur’an is sufficient for the rest of the folks. In fact, they must not recite Qur’an, when they’re offering prayers behind an imam.

How do you recite Surah Fatiha behind Imam?

Starts here1:49Reciting Surah Al-Fatiha behind Imam – YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip53 second suggested clipالفاتحه بارك الله فيكم وتقبل الله منكم.Moreالفاتحه بارك الله فيكم وتقبل الله منكم.

What do you say when praying behind imam?

Starts here6:01What all must a follower recite when praying behind the imam?YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip54 second suggested clipAnd those who follow him say that it is not permissible to recite the fatih in any raqqa when you’reMoreAnd those who follow him say that it is not permissible to recite the fatih in any raqqa when you’re praying behind the imam whether it’s a loud raqqa or a silent raka.

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Why congregational prayer is better than individual prayer?

Salat al-jama’ah (Congregational Prayer) or prayer in congregation (jama’ah) is considered to have more social and spiritual benefit than praying by oneself. When praying in congregation, the people stand in straight parallel rows behind the chosen imam, facing qibla.

What is the correct meaning of the word recite?

Definition of recite transitive verb. 1 : to repeat from memory or read aloud publicly. 2a : to relate in full recites dull anecdotes. b : to give a recital of : detail recited a catalog of offenses. 3 : to repeat or answer questions about (a lesson)

Should one recite Fatiha behind imam?

In one of the Sahih Hadith, it is said that our prophet used to recite Surah Fatiha in every rakat of Salah. The second scholar said we should not recite Surah Al Fatiha behind the imam, it is said that the recitation of the Imam is also the recitation for the all the one who is reciting behind the Imam.

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How many times do you read Surah Fatiha?

Sura fatiha is repeated at the starting of every rak’ah of different prayers. So total number of rak’ah is 44,and as I stated earlier that Sura fatiha is repeated at the starting of every rak’ah,so it is repaeated 44 times everyday .

Should one recite Fatiha behind Imam?

How do you pray Maghrib with Imam?

Starts here10:57How to perform Salat Al Maghrib (Evening Prayer) – YouTubeYouTube

What Allah says when you recite Surah Al Fatiha?

All praise and thanks to Allah who is the God of all the worlds. The most gracious, the most Merciful. Allah replies: My slave has pleased me.

How do you read Fatiha when someone dies?


Does the Imaam have to recite Surah Al Fatiha?

There are two opinions amongst us, one being that when the Imaam leads a prayer, whether he recites them aloud (1st and 2nd rakaat) or is silent (3rd and 4th rakaat) we must only listen; whilst others comment that without the recitation of surah Al Fatiha, whether resited by the Imaam or not, a prayer is not valid.

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Is Surat Al-Fatiha required to be recited in the audible prayer?

Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad [rahimahumullah] are of the view that the follower is not required to recite Surat al-Fatiha in the audible prayer, but is required to do so in the silent. Imam Malik [rahmatullah alayh] has said that it is undesirable [ makruh] for the follower to recite in the audible prayers.

Is the Muqtadi exempted from reciting Surat Al-Fatiha?

They also agree that the muqtadi is exempted from reciting anything beyond Surat al-Fatiha, whereas, the Imam and the munfarid have to recite atleast a few short verses or a small chapter in the first two rak’ats [units] of the fard [obligatory] prayer and in all rak’ats of non -fard prayers.

Does an Imam have to recite Al-Faatihah if the Imam does not pause?

If the imam does not pause, then the one who is praying behind him has to recite al-Faatihah even if the imam is reciting, according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions.” (See Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, vol. 11, p. 221) The Standing Committee was asked a similar question and replied as follows: