
Do you have to change your religion if you marry a Muslim?

Do you have to change your religion if you marry a Muslim?

Its not compulsory to change your religion after your marriage with a Muslim guy. You both can live together by following their own religions and a family in our colony lives in the same way. So you must talk with the guy and their family members about this issue.

Is it a sin to marry a non-Muslim?

Quran does not expressly forbid Muslim women marrying non-Muslim men and neither prophet has expressly forbidden it. It is a relational guidance that a believing bondsman is better than a non-believing man and vice-versa for men.

Can you get married after a haram relationship?

In Case of Marriage After a Relationship That Didn’t Involve Zina. All sorts of relationships are haraam because they include contact with the na-Mahram. The marriage in this case, however, is valid only because they did not commit Zina. The relationship is indeed no encouraged in the light of Islam.

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Can you marry someone you were in a haram relationship with?

Yes, by leaving the haraam relationship, make tawbah to Allaah, and marry the person you were in a relationship with, and Allaah knows best. The first step is to repent and stop the haraam relationship.

Can a Muslim woman marry a Christian man?

Muslim women wishing to marry Christian men face the additional worry of potential ostracism from the faith community, for although Islam permits Muslim men to marry “people of the book” (Christians and Jews), Muslim women marry only within the faith.

What are the biggest fears of Muslim-Christian marriages?

Some fears: baptism of their children (Muslim men), moving to a foreign country indefinitely (Christian women); giving up the faith (Muslim women), being rejected by the husband’s family (Christian women).

How do I talk to my father about getting married in mosque?

If he has not spoken to you about it, no wonder you have a fear of getting married in a mosque. You need to have a serious talk with him. Ask him about Islam. Ask him how the children would be raised should you get married. Both sets of parents have reason for concern.

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Are there any resources for Christian-Muslim couples?

But there are practically no pastoral resources for Christian-Muslim couples in the United States, despite the fact that according to many estimates, there are now more Muslims in this country than Jews. The few print resources available to pastors and couples are either outdated or written for a non-American context.