
Does 0 acceleration mean no motion?

Does 0 acceleration mean no motion?

At one moment, we’re not moving, and a small time later we’re still not moving, so there has not been a change in speed. Therefore, the acceleration has to be zero.

Is it possible to have no acceleration and still be moving?

4) a) Can an object be moving when its acceleration is zero? Yes, an object that was set in motion in the past by some force, but that is no longer being acted on by a net force, is moving but with zero acceleration, i.e. it is moving at constant velocity.

Is it possible to have an accelerated motion with constant speed?

Yes, it is possible to have accelerated motion with constant speed, when a body is moving in a circular path. The body changes its path so there is a change in direction (velocity) but its speed remains the same.

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Can a body move on a curved path without having acceleration?

No, a body cannot move on a curved path without acceleration because while moving on a curved path, the velocity of the body changes with time.

Can acceleration ever zero?

Yes. Typically, if the velocity is a constant, then the acceleration is zero. Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity. So as long as the velocity does not change (no matter what value it has), the acceleration is zero.

How do you know if acceleration is 0?

Explanation: If there are no forces acting upon the object, then there is no acceleration. If there is no acceleration, then the object will move with a constant velocity. We know that the acceleration is zero and that the time is ten seconds.

What is the reason for zero acceleration?

Theoretically, when a particle moves in constant velocity, there is no change in velocity with time. Then its acceleration is called zero acceleration. Mathematically, since velocity is constant then the first time derivative of velocity will be zero which indicates the acceleration of a moving object.

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Is it possible to move on a curve with zero acceleration give example?

No it is not possible to take a turn with 0 acceleration because for taking the turn the speed may kept constant but the direction of velocity will surely change. As the acceleration in magnitude can be zero but the direction f velocity will surely change.

Can the acceleration be zero?

When acceleration is zero (that is, a = dv/dt = 0), rate of change of velocity is zero. That is, acceleration is zero when the velocity of the object is constant.

What’s an example of zero acceleration?

So, a jet moving with a constant velocity at 800 miles per hour along a straight line has zero acceleration, even though the jet is moving really fast, since the velocity isn’t changing. When the jet lands and quickly comes to a stop, it will have acceleration since it’s slowing down.

Is it possible for acceleration to be zero?

Acceleration is a vector quantity just like velocity. Also acceleration is dependant on velocity as a = d v / d t. So if velocity can be made zero the acceleration will also become zero….Oh wait this is possible!Just make the body move in a circle.

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What happens when an object has zero velocity but is accelerating?

Explanation: For example, if you drop an object at the instant you release it it has zero velocity but it is accelerating. Also if you throw an object upwards it will by subject to an acceleration throughout its flight time, however at the very top of its trajectory it will have zero velocity for an instant in time.

What is the acceleration of a spring with zero velocity?

At zero velocity, there is still a net force acting on the object due to the spring, so the object will accelerate in the opposite direction. Try to compare it with this: you thrown an object vertically upwards with a velocity $v_ {0}$, so the only force acting on the object is gravity downwards with an acceleration $-g$.

Why is acceleration at 0 in a uniform uniform motion?

Since the motion is uniform, there is no change in velocity ie v=u. Thus at =0 . Since the object is in motion, t is not zero. Hence acceleration a is zero. How this 19-year-old earns an extra $3600 per week.