
Does AP work on Garen?

Does AP work on Garen?

Garen is a champion with no AP ratios so building AP items on him will have no effect on his damage whatsoever.

Does Garen scale?

Unfortunately, Garen’s damage does not scale well. At some point, he just feels weak.

What is Garen’s passive?

Garen passively increases his armor and magic resist by killing enemies. He may also activate this ability to give him a shield and tenacity for a brief moment followed by a lesser amount of damage reduction for a longer duration.

Is Garen early or late game?

While Garen’s late-game regen and overall tankiness may seem incredibly potent, he does struggle against poke and CC heavy teams.

Does Garen spin apply on hit?

The spin does not proc any on-hit effects. Black Cleaver is on-physical-damage, not on-hit. And the extra damage the spin gets from your AD can crit, this is an exception unique to Garen’s spin. The Lightbringer that revealed targets on hit.

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How do you counter Garen?

How to Beat Garen? Best Counter Tips:

  1. Avoid Garen’s combo. Garen’s damage is very predictable.
  2. Look for a trade when his W is on cooldown.
  3. Don’t fight Garen when you’re near 50\% HP.
  4. Poke him in the laning phase with long-range auto-attacks.
  5. Attack him once in a while to stop his passive.
  6. Save your Flash.

How do I master Garen?

During the early-game, focus on harassing your lane opponent with Decisive Strike and weave in a few auto attacks when they have been silenced. Any minion aggro you take will be healed by Garen’s Perseverance passive, so don’t be afraid to constantly barrage your foe when Decisive Strike is up.

Does hail of blades work on Garen?

The start of Garen’s laning phase is usually fairly easy, but can be horrible depending on some match ups, which can cost Garen everything. You can trade at level 1 with Decisive Strike and Hail of Blades, but don’t forget to cs. You can still trade at level 2, but you should wait for level 3 for Courage.

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Does Garen spin apply black Cleaver?

Black Cleaver is on-physical-damage, not on-hit. And the extra damage the spin gets from your AD can crit, this is an exception unique to Garen’s spin.

Is Garen easily countered?

Garen is not an easy champion to counter in season 12 of LoL. His simple tool is highly effective in the current meta.