
Does Russia have the most Facebook users?

Does Russia have the most Facebook users?

The number of Facebook users in Russia has been increasing consistently since April 2021 As of the latest month observed, the volume of Facebook users countrywide reached the highest number of 66.15 million….Facebook users in Russia from August 2020 to August 2021 (in millions)

Characteristic Users in millions

What is the Russian version of Facebook?

The largest Russian Social Media network and the most visited site in Russia is the domestic Facebook rival Vkontakte (В Контакте), also known as VK. The site, which also has an English language version, was launched in 2006 and currently has around 33 million unique visitors per day.

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Does anyone use Facebook anymore?

Facebook has been one of the longest serving, most widely used social media platforms, boasting active users of 2.49 billion and continued growth in advertising revenue (Facebook, 2019). The number of young Facebook users (age between 12 to 34) rapidly declined by almost 20\% in 2 years (Edison Research, 2019).

Which country uses FB the most?

Countries with the most Facebook users 2021 There are over 290 million Facebook users in India alone, making it the leading country in terms of Facebook audience size.

What country has the most Facebook users?

India has the highest number of Facebook users in any country in the world, with over 251 million. This is, in part, due to India’s population of 1.326 billion people being the second-highest in the world behind China.

Which social media is most used in Russia?

Leading social media platforms in Russia as of 3rd quarter of 2020*, by penetration rate

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Characteristic Share of respondents
Instagram 61.2\%
Odnoklassniki 47.1\%
Viber 42.5\%
Facebook 38.9\%

Is Facebook banned in Russia?

Roskomnadzor threatened Facebook last week with a fine of up to 10\% of its annual Russian turnover unless it deleted content that Moscow deems illegal. Experts cited by Vedomosti estimate Facebook’s Russian turnover at between 12 and 39 billion roubles ($165-$538 million).

Do Russians use Facebook?

Russians do use Facebook, but it’s not their primary social network. That title belongs to VKontakte (, which is used by 61\% of Russians, and 28\% of the population uses it daily. Facebook, by contrast, is only used by 4\% of Russians on a daily basis, but 35\% have used it at some point.

What are the most popular social networks in Russia?

Odnoklassniki ( and Instagram are also used more frequently by Russians than Facebook. Facebook probably did not gain more popularity in Russia because it is mostly English-based and feels like a foreign social network to most Russians. The other advantage Vkontakte had early on is that it contained

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Why is Facebook becoming so popular?

But, Facebook originally grew in popularity because it provided teens and young people with a digital playground free from prying parental eyes. That, unfortunately, is no longer the case. Older users have flocked to Facebook in recent years, which, in so many words, is pretty uncool.

Why are older users leaving Facebook?

Older users have flocked to Facebook in recent years, which, in so many words, is pretty uncool. Not only has the influx of parents prevented younger users from ever signing on, it’s also made millennial users leave the platform in droves, with nearly another million expected to leave in 2018.