
How do I contact a Chinese person?

How do I contact a Chinese person?

Staying in touch with someone in China

  1. 飞信 / Feition. If you haven’t tried 飞信 yet, have a look right now.
  2. Skype. Skype is still the ultimate international communications tool, in my view.
  3. Google Talk. The biggest contender for Skype’s throne is Google Talk.
  4. China Mobile.
  5. Dropbox.
  6. QQ.
  7. RenRen.
  8. Weixin.

How can I find Chinese friends online?

Make Friends in China: 5 Fun Ways to Put Yourself out There

  1. Join WeChat Groups. WeChat is the most used social media and texting platform in China.
  2. Find an Activity. China has countless activities to try, many of which are unique to Chinese culture.
  3. Travel.
  4. Learn Mandarin.
  5. Check Local Platforms.

Which chat apps work in China?

China’s telecommunications market houses a variety of domestic messaging apps such as WeChat, QQ, and Momo that cater to its diverse population of smartphone users. As of September 2021, Tencent’s WeChat remained as the most popular messaging app with over one billion monthly active users in the country.

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Which app is used in China?

Almost every single person who has a smartphone in China uses messaging apps, which have a combined 99.2\% penetration….What’s hot now: Chinese apps and games.

Chinese app Rough western equivalent
WeChat WhatsApp + Facebook + much more
Baidu Google
Sina Weibo Twitter
DouYu Twitch

How can I chat in China?

Smartphone Apps

  1. WeChat (or Weixin 微信) WeChat is one of the most popular free messaging apps in China and provides many features compared to other social messaging apps, such as Facebook Messenger.
  2. WhatsApp.
  3. QQ.
  4. WeCom.
  5. Weibo (Not Blocked)
  6. Snow (Not Blocked)
  7. Twitter (Blocked)
  8. Reddit (Blocked)

Can I email someone in China?

Except by phone call, you can contact a person in China by means of message, e-mail, or instant communication application. Message service provided by mobile operators is seldom used in China.

How do I get a Chinese penpal?

  1. (2)Website: InterPals Penpals.
  2. (3) Sina Weibo , The most popular social network in China (but you need to register firstly before talking to people)
  3. (4) 豆瓣 , a forum where you can read the comments of books, movies, CDs, and so on.
  4. (5) 微信 , Wechat, it’s quick, it’s convenient.
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What apps Cannot be used in China?

The Top 100+ websites blocked in China:


Where can I chat with Chinese?

Chinese Messaging App Landscape

  • Open ICQ (Tencent QQ) – The First Mainstream Chinese Chat App.
  • WeChat & QQ – Leading Chinese Chat Apps.
  • WeChat – #1 Chinese Chat App.
  • WeChat CRMs & Automation Platforms.
  • Younger Users May Shun WeChat For a New Generation of Chinese Chat App.
  • QQ – First Mainstream Chinese Chat App.
  • Tencent QQ.

Can I send a Gmail to China?

Yes, Gmail is blocked in China, as are all Google services. After a series of frequent service interruptions, Gmail users on the mainland were completely cut off in December 2014. China gradually removed Google’s presence in the country entirely over a period of time.