
How do I decide what to write a song about?

How do I decide what to write a song about?

Choosing a Song Topic With The “Dig Deeper” Method

  1. Choose one large, all-encompassing topic/idea (love, peace, caring for a loved one, etc.) as your topic, and write it down.
  2. Ask yourself the simple question: What about it? Start writing ideas down.
  3. Keep digging deeper.
  4. Keep digging deeper.

What to talk about in songs?

Personal / Artist Songs

  • Write a song that introduces us to you as an artist.
  • Write a song that introduces us to someone else as an artist.
  • Write a song based on your key life philosophy.
  • Write a song that tells us something nobody else knows about you.
  • Write a song about a major event in your life.

What should I start a song with?

Five Different Ways to Start a Song

  • Start with a title. Write down thirty or forty different words or phrases.
  • Start with a melody. Focus on your song’s chorus and try and craft a great melody for it.
  • Start with a drum loop.
  • Start with a chord progression.
  • Start with a groove.
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How do you write parts of a song?

A typical song structure includes a verse, chorus, and bridge in the following arrangement: intro, verse — chorus — verse — chorus —bridge — chorus — outro. This is known as an ABABCB structure, where A is the verse, B is the chorus and C is the bridge.

What make a song a hit?

Although hit song means any widely played or big-selling song, the specific term hit record usually refers to a single that has appeared in an official music chart through repeated radio airplay audience impressions, or significant streaming data and commercial sales.

What are songs usually about?

Literary Devices have taken a look at some of the most common themes in famous songs, and have identified these five as the most common.

  • Coming of Age/ Growing Up. Many songs deal with growing up or growing older.
  • Statements of Discontent.
  • Friendship.
  • Heartbreak.
  • Death.

What are the main parts of a song?

The verse, chorus and bridge are the main parts of your song. But there’s a couple other parts you need to know before you start writing.

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What is a song structure?

Basic Song Structure Explained Knowing the typical song layout will help songwriters create their own masterpieces. Basic song structure consists of an intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus and bridge (many times, this is all tied together in an outro, too). Below, consider this breakdown of song building blocks.

What is a verse in a song?

A verse is the part of the song that fills in all of the details. Verses are where the “meat and potatoes” of the song’s idea are expressed. One or two verses usually come before the Chorus, which is the memorable “catchy” part of the song that is repeated. Most Rock and Pop songs have about two to three verses.

What are your main song ideas?

Your main song ideas can be anything: 1 A lyric stanza 2 A melody 3 A chord progression 4 A drum loop 5 A hook 6 A chorus 7 A bass line 8 Or whatever else made you pick up the pen or turn your gear on