
How do INTJs use their cognitive functions?

How do INTJs use their cognitive functions?

INTJs use introverted intuition to look at patterns, meanings, and possibilities. Rather than simply looking at the concrete facts, they are more interested in what these facts mean. People with this personality type enjoy thinking about the future and exploring possibilities.

What were three specific examples of INTJ strengths?

All INTJ Strengths and Advantages

  • Independent. INTJs are lone wolves, and they tend to work independently.
  • Reliable and Loyal.
  • Rational.
  • Determined and Willing to Learn.
  • Curious and Innovative.
  • Versatile.

Is INTJ memory bad?

INTJs are not forgetful people, and have a knack for retaining information. The INTJ can absorb mounds of research and facts, and will process that information in a unique way. They have such vast and complex inner minds, which are capable of remembering so many things all at once.

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How do INTJs stay motivated?

INTJ Motivations

  1. Thinking critically and solving complex problems.
  2. Setting and achieving ambitious goals.
  3. Taking time to be alone and think.
  4. Producing quality results in a work environment.
  5. Introduction of new ideas and solutions.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of intjs?

Superiority. The INTJ’s prowess in the area of intellect, logic and reason is unarguable and definitely among their chief strengths, as is their confidence in their ideas. However, these strengths can turn into weaknesses when they morph into a superiority complex. Unfortunately, among INTJs, this is not uncommon.

What are the challenges of being an INTJ?

The INTJ also might encounter difficulties when their own emotions have been left to fester for so long, as they do often find ways of expressing themselves which can become less than healthy if they are ignored for so long. INTJs can sometimes lack flexibility, since they don’t like when things are up in the air or unplanned.

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How do intjs deal with emotions?

INTJs want things to be concrete and believe in finding ways to logically understand everything around them, They might even attempt to make sense of certain emotions, wanting to put logic answers to why someone behaves a certain way. When the INTJ cannot logically understand and emotion they often brush it aside, or attempt to bury it.

Why do intjs have a hard time making friends?

When things are constantly moving from one thing to the next without a sense of direction or logic, the INTJ becomes rather frustrated with this. This makes them a bit less flexible when it comes to gatherings or being around people who prefer to be spontaneous.