
How do submarines get rid of carbon dioxide?

How do submarines get rid of carbon dioxide?

CO2 Scrubbing In-order to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, the submariners use a process called ‘CO2 Scrubbing’. This is done chemically using soda lime (sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide) in devices called ‘scrubbers’.

How do submarines keep fresh air?

Oxygen is typically supplied to the submarine from pressurized tanks. A computerized system monitors oxygen in the air and releases fresh oxygen as its needed by the crew. Next, exhaled carbon dioxide must be removed or it becomes a toxin. Some submarines can produce up to 40,000 gallons of fresh water per day.

How does a submarine engine get oxygen?

Oxygen in submarines is produced by putting sea water through a process of electrolysis. Submarines typically have a couple of big oxygen tanks as well, used to quickly raise oxygen concentration if the system fails.

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Is there air conditioning in submarines?

In a submarine, only a few cubic feet of space are available for air-conditioning machinery, and the cooling capacity is of necessity limited. It should be clearly understood that the purpose of the air-conditioning system is not to cool the submarine as a whole.

Where does the exhaust come out of a submarine?

This answer is for the USN’s fleet of nuclear Subs. Under normal conditions the ‘exhaust’ of a submarine is nothing more than heat, and that is radiated into the sea. When a boat is operating on it’s diesel generator, the exhaust is vented to the atmosphere through the snorkel mast.

How does a diesel submarine get oxygen?

Modern diesel subs draw in oxygen (actually air) through a tube they stick up above the surface called a snorkel (… ). The exhaust of the diesel is sent out underwater, typically through a pipe up the rear end of the sail.

How do submarines work underwater?

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They can also work in combination, one engine driving a propeller and the other driving a generator. The sub must surface (or cruise just below the surface using a snorkel) to run the diesel engines. Once the batteries are fully charged, the sub can head underwater. The batteries power electric motors that drive the propellers.

Do submarines have snorkels?

Most diesel submarines and modern nuclear submarines with auxiliary diesel engines use a snorkel to take in air for the engine and get rid of the diesel exhaust. Towards the end of WW2, the Kriegsmarine started retrofitting snorkels on their existing subs and added them to their newly designed Type XXI boat.