
How do you calculate the volume of HCl required for complete neutralization of Na2CO3?

How do you calculate the volume of HCl required for complete neutralization of Na2CO3?

Na2CO3, formula weight is 106; equivalent weight is 53; 1.4 g = 1400 mg; 1400/53 = 26.4 mEq; 0.120 N x V = 26.4; 26.4/0.12 = 220 mL of 0.120 M HCl.

How can you determine the acidity of sodium carbonate solution?


Which indicator is used in the titration of sodium carbonate against hydrochloric acid and what is the Colour change at the end point?

Methyl orange
In this case, hydrochloric acid is taken in the burette and sodium carbonate solution in the conical flask. Methyl orange is used as an indicator. The colour change at the end point will be from yellow to pinkish-red.

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How do you find the concentration of Na2CO3?

Finding the concentration of sodium carbonate: Mass (Na2CO3 transferred to volumetric flask) = [mass (weighing bottle) + mass (Na2CO3)]-[mass(weighing bottle after emptying)] =15.24g – 12.59g =2.65g Molar mass (Na2CO3) Na=23 C=12 O=16 2Na x 1C x 3O = molar mass = (2 x 23) + 16 + (3 x 16) =106 Number of mols (Na2CO3) = …

How do you find the strength of HCl?

  1. To calculate the strength of (gt-l) of HCl solution : Strength of HCI = Molarity of HCI Mol wt. of HCI -M, 36,5 Result: Molarity of HCl solution Strength of HCl solution = 2. .
  2. 2.46 g of sodium hydroxide (molar mass = 40) are dissolved in water and the solution is made to 100 cm3 in a volumetric flask.

How can you titrate a solution of the mixture of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 against HCl?

Estimation of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 in a mixture: Accurately weigh about 2.0 g of the mixture and prepare a solution in distilled water in a 250 ml standard flask. Slowly titrate 25 ml of this solution against standard hydrochloric acid using phenolphthalein as indicator. Repeat to concordance (Vp ml).

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How can you identify sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate in a mixture?

The Na2CO3 content of the given sample is determined by titration against standard hydrochloric acid using methyl orange as indicator: Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2O + CO2. The equivalent weight of Na2CO3 is half its molecular weight (M). This means M/2 g of Na2CO3 is equivalent to 1000 ml of 1 N HCl.

What is the acidity of sodium carbonate?

Sodium carbonate

Acidity (pKa) 10.33
Magnetic susceptibility (χ) −4.1·10−5 cm3/mol
Refractive index (nD) 1.485 (anhydrous) 1.420 (monohydrate) 1.405 (decahydrate)
Viscosity 3.4 cP (887 °C)

Which indicator should be used for the titration of sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid?

methyl orange
The indicator used in the titration of sodium carbonate (weak alkali) against hydrochloric acid (strong acid) is methyl orange.

What is the indicator used in the titration sodium carbonate against hydrochloric acid?

methyl orange indicator
Hydrochloric acid solution may be titrated against sodium carbonate solution using methyl orange indicator.

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What is the volume of Na2CO3?

Answer: 12,6 mL.

What is the N factor of Na2CO3?

Na2Co3 N factor is 2.