
How do you find the longest word in a string?

How do you find the longest word in a string?


  1. Define a string.
  2. Convert the string to lowercase to make it case-insensitive.
  3. Add an extra space at the end.
  4. Now, iterate through the string till space is found and add those character into variable word.
  5. Initialize variable small and large with first word of array.

How do you find the longest word in a list?

Use max() to find the longest string in a list. Call max(a_list, key=len) to return the longest string in a_list by comparing the lengths of all strings in a_list .

How do you find the largest word in a string C++?

To find the smallest and largest word, we will find the length of each word by using two indexes, one for the start of the word and one for the ending which is marked using the ‘ ‘ (space character) or ‘\0’ character. Then using the start and end index, we will find the maxLength and minlength.

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How do you find the longest string in an array of strings?

There is a simple way.

  1. You assign a variable for the length of the first array element: elementLength = array[0].length; and a value to keep track of the index.
  2. You loop over the array You check every element with this variable, if bigger then re-assign the element value and update the index.
  3. End of the loop.

How do you find the longest and shortest string in Java?

small = large = words[0]; //Determine smallest and largest word in the string. for(int k = 0; k < length; k++){ //If length of small is greater than any word present in the string.

How do you find the longest word in a string python?

Iterate over the characters of the string. Check if the current character encountered is a space or end of the string is reached. If the current character is found to be so, update the maximum length of a word obtained. Finally, print the longest word obtained using substr() method.

How do I find the longest word in a list python?

“how to find longest word in a list python” Code Answer’s

  1. a_list = [“a_string”, “the_longest_string”, “string”]
  2. longest_string = max(a_list, key=len)
  3. print(longest_string)

How do you find the longest string in a list python?

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Use Python’s built-in max() function with a key argument to find the longest string in a list. Call max(lst, key=len) to return the longest string in lst using the built-in len() function to associate the weight of each string—the longest string will be the maximum.

What is the maximum length of C string in characters?

ANSI compatibility requires a compiler to accept up to 509 characters in a string literal after concatenation. The maximum length of a string literal allowed in Microsoft C is approximately 2,048 bytes.

What is maximum array size in C?

There is no fixed limit to the size of an array in C. The size of any single object, including of any array object, is limited by SIZE_MAX , the maximum value of type size_t , which is the result of the sizeof operator.

How do you find the longest string in Java?

One of the approach to find smallest and largest word is to split string into words then, compare length of each word with variables small and large. If length of a word is less than length of small then, store that word in small. If length of a word is greater than length of large then, store that word in large.

How to find the longest word in an array of strings?

Please refer to the comments in front of every line of code. Here is a generalized approach: Loop through the array and apply the algorithm of finding the longest word in the string. It is similar to finding the longest integer in an array of integers. Return the longest word.

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How do you calculate the longest word in a sentence?

The algorithm is counting the length of each word in the sentence, and keeping it as maximum length if the length is greater than the previous word. By the end of the loop, you will get the longest word. I don’t like to do it in the main since this potentially could be a reusable function.

What happens if the longest string is last string in C?

Thus,in case your longest string is last string . if () block in line#19 never executes after getting of length of last string .So max doesn’t update . Hence you gets length of longest string just before last string. , 6+ years of experience in C. Working in Linux kernel. It’s a corner case.

How to deal with strings in C?

This is the correct way to deal with strings in C. In the code below, first I acquire the required bytes to store the input string in heap. Then I use strtok to split the string into tokens based on a delemeter and get the length of each sub string.