
How do you use no thanks in a sentence?

How do you use no thanks in a sentence?

1 I am feeling better now, no thanks to you. 2 It was no thanks to you that we managed to win the game. 3 It is no thanks to the Government that net assets did rise. 4 It’s no thanks to you that I arrived on time.

How do you politely say no thanks?

2. Or a firm (but polite) alternative:

  1. I appreciate your time, but no thank you.
  2. Thanks for thinking of me, but I have too much on my plate right now.
  3. No thanks!
  4. Not today, thanks.
  5. Not for me, thanks.
  6. I’m afraid I can’t.
  7. I’m not really into [heavy metal/decoupage/Pokemon Go], but thanks for asking!
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What no thanks means?

No-thanks meaning (colloquial) A short way of saying “Thank you, but I’m not interested.” phrase.

What are different ways to say no thanks?

What’s the meaning of no thanks?

If you say that something happens no thanks to a particular person or thing, you mean that they did not help it to happen, or that it happened in spite of them.

How do you professionally decline?

The best approach is to be brief but honest about your specific reason for not accepting the position, saying something like: After careful consideration, I’ve decided to accept a position at another company. After much thought, I’ve decided that now is not the best time to leave my current position.

How do you gracefully say no?

50 ways to nicely say “no”

  1. “Unfortunately, I have too much to do today.
  2. “I’m flattered by your offer, but no thank you.”
  3. “That sounds fun, but I have a lot going on at home.”
  4. “I’m not comfortable doing that task.
  5. “Now isn’t a good time for me.
  6. ” Sorry, I have already committed to something else.
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What is the difference between Thank you and No Thank You?

In the same way thank you is also used to refuse something that is offered as in ‘No thank you’. • In some cases thank you is used to accept things when they are offered. • The expression thank you is more formal than thanks. It is important to know that thank you is the modern form of the older expression ‘I thank you’.

Where did the phrase Thanks but no thanks come from?

This phrase, dating from the late 1900s, may be put either seriously or ironically. The former usage appeared in the New York Times on the op-ed page on December 5, 1997: “Paul R. Gross properly laments the ‘thanks but no thanks’ attitude of the California commission.”

What is the difference between thanks and a lot?

1 Thanks is a plural noun and hence it cannot be used with a direct object. 2 Thanks is often followed by the expression a lot in sentences. 3 On the other hand, the expression thank you is often followed by ‘very much’ only and not by ‘a lot’. 4 Sometimes thanks is used to refuse something that is offered as in ‘No Thanks’.

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Is it many thanks or many thanks for your letter?

Their earliest citation for the phrase Many thanks is 1803, Many thanks for your letter. So this seems to arise some while after thanks was generally construed as plural! It is heard several times every morning on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: it is the standard closing that they use after interviewing somebody.