
How does the equivalence principle lead us to suspect that spacetime might be curved?

How does the equivalence principle lead us to suspect that spacetime might be curved?

How does the equivalence principle lead us to suspect that spacetime might be curved? curves down along with the ship’s motion. This suggests that the light, traveling in spacetime, follows a curved path.

Are gravity and time the same thing?

The gravitational field is really a curving of space and time. The stronger the gravity, the more spacetime curves, and the slower time itself proceeds. We should note here, however, that an observer in the strong gravity experiences his time as running normal.

Is time and space expanding?

4 Answers. The simple answer is that no, time is not expanding or contracting. The complicated answer is that when we’re describing the universe we start with the assumption that time isn’t expanding or contracting. That is, we choose our coordinate system to make the time dimension non-changing.

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Why do physicists still make use of Newton’s equations in describing gravitational forces on Earth?

If general relativity offers the best description of what happens in the presence of gravity, why do physicists still make use of Newton’s equations in describing gravitational forces on Earth (when building a bridge, for example)? They work perfectly well for what we use them for. You just studied 8 terms!

Does our Sun have an event horizon around it?

Does our Sun have an event horizon around it? Only black holes have event horizons, so our Sun, which is a star in happy main-sequence equilibrium, cannot have one.

What does the equivalence principle say?

At the heart of Einstein’s theory of gravity (general relativity) is the equivalence principle. The equivalence principle says that there is no difference between being stationary and subject to gravity tugging you and accelerating in a vehicle that’s free of gravitational pull.

Does gravity actually exist?

GRAVITY DOES NOT EXIST…. gravity is an illusion and does not exist in the Universe on a galactic scale. Gravity is an internal force, it is in the atom and molecule only and there is no external gravity force as we have been taught to believe. We can say that… “Gravity exists on the Quantum Mechanics level only”.

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What is a gravitational wave and why was it so hard to detect?

The reason it’s so difficult to detect them is because they only stretch space a tiny amount. In order to measure those tiny spacetime fluctuations, LIGO needed one of the largest and most precise experiments in human history. They built a massive facility with two long tunnels, each almost two miles in length.

What is free fall in physics?

Freefall as the term says, is a body falling freely because of the gravitational pull of our earth. Imagine a body with velocity (v) is falling freely from a height (h) for time (t) seconds because of gravity (g). Free Fall Formulas are articulated as follows: Free fall is independent of the mass of the body.

Does free fall depend on height?

Free fall is independent of the mass of the body. It depends only on the height and the duration the body is flung for. Underneath are given questions on free fall which may be useful for you. Problem 1: Calculate the body height if it has a mass of 2 kg and after 7 seconds it reaches the ground? Given: Height h =?

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Why don’t we feel anything when we fall free falling?

A free falling object doesn’t experience force even though gravity acts on it because there is no other opposing force to induce any stress in your body. In the absence of such a normal opposing force during free-fall, you do not feel anything.

Does free fall take place in a vacuum?

Note: For the purposes of my question, when I refer to free fall assume it takes place in a vacuum. From my (admittedly weak) understanding of the equivalence principle, falling in a gravitational field is physically indistinguishable from floating in interstellar space.