
How long do you go to jail for possession of a weapon?

How long do you go to jail for possession of a weapon?

Possessing a weapon: the maximum sentence for possession offences is four years’ custody. If the offender has committed the same offence before or another relevant offence such as threatening with an offensive weapon in a public place, they will face a minimum sentence of at least six months’ custody.

What is felony with assault rifle?

Penal Code 30600 PC makes it a crime in California to manufacture, distribute, transport, import, sell or give away assault weapons or BMG rifles. A conviction is a felony punishable by a sentence of up to 8 years in state prison.

Is an AR 22 considered an assault rifle?

22LR caliber gun cannot be an assault rifle because it is not an intermediate caliber, and it is not select fire (full auto or burst fire).

How much time can a convicted felon get for possession of firearm in California?

three years
Under California law, felons caught in possession of a firearm could face up to three years in prison. That sentence could be reduced by half for good behavior. Some felons caught with guns end up doing time in county jails.

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What are the mandatory minimum sentences for drugs?

What are mandatory minimum sentences?

Type of drug Five Year Sentence Without Parole Ten Year Sentence Without Parole
LSD 1 gram 10 grams
Marijuana 100 plants/100 kilos 1000 plants/1000 kilos
Crack cocaine 5 grams 50 grams
Powder cocaine 500 grams 5 kilos

What is the punishment for possession of a knife?

The maximum sentence for carrying a knife illegally is four years in prison and an unlimited fine. If you injure someone or use a knife to commit a crime, the penalties could increase.

What is possession of an assault weapon?

California Penal Code 30605 defines possession of an assault weapon: “Anyone within this state, possesses an assault weapon, except as provided in this chapter, will be punished by imprisonment for up to one year in a county jail, or by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170.”

What does assault with a firearm mean?

California State Penal Code 245 states that assault with a firearm is the crime of simple assault committed with a deadly weapon. This means that the details of the law behind assault with a firearm more or less mirror the details of the law behind the simple assault.

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What qualifies as an assault weapon?

Drawing from federal and state law definitions, the term assault weapon refers primarily to semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns that are able to accept detachable magazines and possess one or more other features. Some jurisdictions define revolving cylinder shotguns as assault weapons.